gettin Stronger and first Fight

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In order to fully grasp Nen, one must first learn the Four Major Principles. The Four Major Principles, in order of study, are: Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu. Currently, I am 4 years old. In the past year, I have interacted with Nanika alot, I am nowhere as afraid of it as I was before. I also made 2 more notable wishes, the first being that Nanika can only appear with Me and Killua and the second being, knowledge on the basics of nen. 

As I specifically said knowledge, instead of a book appearing, I suddenly remembered me reading Wiki pages and watching YT videos on nen in my previous life. The details were extremely precise and almost photographic. 

After interacting with Nanika, I have come to adore it. I've decided I won't use it as a tool (not that I was gonna anyway). But instead treat it like a younger sibling. Killua also seems to be getting along with Nanika. He also made a few wishes, but all of them were just getting thrown in the air. Of course, I also told him not to tell anyone. 

In my nen progression, as I had already mastered Ten, Zetsu was next. Before, I was confused by it, but now after making the wish, I have already mastered it. A big part of Zetsu was completely closing off aura nodes, I didn't realize at first but I'd already accomplished that, but I thought it was a part of Ten. Ten is only controlling the aura and not letting it leak. 

While Zetsu is completely shutting it off, this way the nen user can be more perceptive as they are not covered by their aura. Basically it is super useful in hiding from others and tracking. Like in the anime when Gon and Killua were trailing after Nobunaga and the other chick from Phantom Troupe, too bad they didn't realize they were also being trailed. Hehe, the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. 

Anyways, I have mastered Zetsu, which will probably be vital if one of my future assassination targets is a nen user. Also, using Zetsu also heals my injuries faster, but I doubt I will use it for that function, as it leaves my body quite defenseless against nen attacks without the layer of Ten. 

Ren however, even though I have kind off mastered it, I am making slow progress in. As it suddenly expands the aura of the user, I am afraid of using it around others, as they might notice the fluctuations. Right now, if I concentrate, I can hold Ren for around 20 minutes, that can be considered slow as usually one can extend it by 10 minutes with a month of training. 

I have also found out my hatsu, or my nen category and I am a Specialist, meaning I only have one special ability. But wtf is it! As a Specialist, I am most efficient in Specialization at 100% (obviously), then Conjuration and Manipulation at 80%. 

When I did the water divination, which is performing Ren on a cup of water that has a leaf on top, the water inside the cup, vanished and appeared outside it. So the only thing I could conclude was that I was a Specialist and maybe my ability was related to space. It makes sense though, as I am a soul that essentially traveled through space and arrived in a different world. 

My Gyo is also not bad, so far I can only use it in my eyes. One time, I couldn't resist peeking at father with Gyo, but as soon as I did, he instantly turned his head in my direction.  That was scary.
My training other than personal nen training has been the usual, electrocution, joint breaking, combat training, assassin training and surprisingly, computer skills (there are no games). Tomorrow though, things are going to change, father said that I have to kill 5 wild dogs in the enclosure. Otherwise they will kill me. 

The test, is about to begin, Killua has already done it before me and finished it successfully, albeit with a few injuries. I am waiting for the start flare to fire. 

After a few minutes, I hear a whoosh sound, accompanied by the howls and barks of dogs. It has started. The environment I am in currently, can be said to be not optimal for assassination, it has a tall fence surrounding all sides, inside there are a few trees closer to the fence, while the central part is plain short grass. A positive is that, it is currently dark. 

I am not planning on using nen techniques like Gyo or Zetsu. But I am going to try my hardest and beat Killua. It only took Kil around 5 minutes, after I have finished I intend to wait one minute, so that father will still think Kil is more talented in case I complete it in less than 5 mins.
*thud* *thud* The dogs are here, damn they look scary as f*ck. They are all grouped up though, I need to separate them. 

*sniff* *sniff* I silently jump down from the branch, the dogs are in the central area, (where there are no ambush spots) around 100m away from me who is currently near the fence. They seem to be sniffing for my scent. Gotta do this fast. I search for fallen branches or rocks. 

If only I was strong enough to just one-shot the dogs with some rocks. After finding two throw-able branches. The first one, I chuck to the opposite side of the enclosure, even though I am not strong enough to 1-hit KO a dog, I can still easily throw a distance of 300 metres. After I threw it, I wait for the noise, as soon as it lands, I throw the second branch extremely fast just 50 metres beside me. This results in 2 different noises being made at 2 spots, now hopefully they split up. 

As I edge towards the closer branch. The dogs split up with 3 going to the further one and 2 coming for the one close to me. Yes! As I threw the second branch closer to a tree, I slowly climb up it and get in a suitable position to pounce. My heartbeat increases and adrenaline slowly fills my body. After a few seconds, the dogs get into the perfect position for me to kill. 

I take out the, sharp knife I had, it was made of darker metal, so there was no moonlight reflecting on it. As I hold the knife tightly, the whites of my knuckles show and my hand starts shaking. I silently take in a deep breath, I can do this, I keep on chanting those words and I visibly relax. 

In the next second, I silently pounce at the closer dog, which was currently sniffing away at the tree, as soon I get close enough my knife arm swings at the left side of the dogs chest. As soon as the knife touches the skin of the dog, the only thought I have is 'My first kill', and with determination, I drive the knife in hard into the chest. 

With a yelp and a burst of blood the dog falls on to the ground. Can't relax yet, 4 more left. The other dog, starts barking madly and rushes at me, I try to pull out the knife that I stabbed, but to no avail, sh*t. As the dog is within 3 metres of me, I let go of the knife and jump towards the closest branch. 

Just as I reach the branch and lift myself up, it jumps up and bites at my feet, barely missing them by a few inches. On the branch, I pull out my second knife, after all, an assassin can never have too many back up knives. I need to kill this dog and run away as soon as possible, otherwise, the other three dogs may join up with this one and surround the tree.
Damn, it's crazy how close I got close to screwing up, just because I used too much force in stabbing. As I clench my blood soaked hand. I quickly think of a plan.

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