Fist of Flowing Water

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Bang's Dojo, Jappon

The country of Jappon, in Amon's opinion was very similar to Japan. At the main cities, crowds filled the streets with towering building everywhere. Amon couldn't help but think how good this place was for assassinations.

The country side however was very different. If the city was like a rollercoaster, then the country could only be described as a calm and serene boat ride on a still lake.

Bang's Dojo was located on the lake, not exactly lake but a mountain near a small town. It was the way a classic Japanese dojo would be, with the yosemune zukuri style roof [The cliche Japanese roofing], sliding doors and tatami mat flooring and open wooden verandahs. Amon was really satisfied with the place, especially the river and small waterfall, on which Bang would discuss the meaning of the Fist Of Flowing Water, Crushing Rock.

Bang had other students as well, but most of them only came on set days for a fixed amount of hours. Amon though would basically be living there for the next few years. There were only two more people, besides him, staying here. He hadn't met them yet as they had apparently gone back to their families for holidays.

And no, there was no Garou, Amon had already asked Bang through round-about methods on whether he had a student named Garou here. He was already expecting this though, Bang being in Hunter X Hunter was probably the closest thing to what achieving the impossible could be. He wasn't expecting anymore anime characters and as to why Bang existed, Amon would forget about that.

Bang was an extremely good teacher, on the way to the Dojo, he had inspected Amon's fighting style and found several flaws within it. Like how Amon didn't try his hardest every time but held back a bit so he could flee when things went wrong, Bang said in assassinations this would be ideal however in head-on fights, especially with teammates, not giving it your all could cause some serious repercussions. Amon at finding this was confused, because in the canon, Killua also behaved like this but it was only due to Illumi's needle. And as far as Amon could recall, there was never an instance of Illumi putting the needle or even touching Amon's head.

He'd also inspected his head with Nen and physically with hands, but he couldn't find anything. This could only mean two things. The first being that the Zoldyck families martial techniques influenced him to not use his full power, the second that Illumi is much more powerful than he thought, and to take out his needle, Amon needs to activate a certain type of condition. What ever it is, Amon concluded that he could just ask his Sensei, and let him check if there are any outside influences on him.


A few weeks later.

"Haha well done!" Bang shouted at Amon who had finally taken a step further in mastering the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. Amon's training mainly consisted of spars with the older students, during that, he wasn't allowed to use Nen of course. But when he faced off against Bang, he would go all out. Illumi's needle didn't exist, the reason he would always hold back would be just a subconscious reaction from training the Zoldyck techniques.

Another part of Amon's training was studying the flow of water. When he was first told to do it, he did it wholeheartedly, thinking there was a hidden trick involved that would improve his martial arts. A trick did exist, but it was pretty minor, much to Amon's dismay. The flow of water was supposed to be infused into his fighting style. Bang had said that as water had many properties and movements, to comprehend and be proficient in Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, one had to find his own way, his own Dao. 

[A/N: Complete bs coming now, but... it sounds profound so why not :P]

Bang's Dao, the one had attained after countless decades, could be described in a few words, the perfect combination of offense and defense, steady when needed and dominant when required. Bang would lead his opponents around the nose, only to finish them off with one blow. In other words, it was basically the same as Tai chi, the infusion of Ying and Yang used to create stable core.

 [A/N: Got this from the wiki, so should be correct, not that it matters]

The goal of Bang training Amon was not only to have a good successor for the Dojo for when he retires, but also to see the development of a new martial technique on par with Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, or even above, Bang knew that a martial art could never be perfect, but Bang had a feeling that Amon might make one that was closest to perfection. Even though, right now Amon is practicing WSRSF, he would eventually make a new technique to suit his needs better.

"HAHA! Finally I did it!" Amon excited voice rang out, as he jumped out of the river he was in. Bang had told Amon to stop the flow of a waterfall for a few seconds. He was supposed to use the Ying part, to influence the water to slow down and then use the dominating Yang to push back to the top [A/N: smh]. It was really difficult, he had to do this while bearing the weight of hundreds of kilograms of water falling on him, in the first few tries, he could barely get into the proper stance. But each day, he kept improving until he could stop the flow completely.

"Guess it's about time I teach you advanced nen." Bang said while standing up from the boulder he was sitting on.


Meanwhile on Kukuroo Mountain

"So what your saying is that, wet fool [A/N: Bang], made a potential heir to the family his disciple?!" Zeno said in shock, while Silva who was standing opposite him nodded.

"How long has he been with Bang?" Zeno asked.

"A few months now, it's probably too late, Killua should be head of the family," Silva responded, even though it angered him at how his father would not allow anyone influenced by Bang become the head of the family, he couldn't say anything as he knew how stubborn his father could be.

"*sigh* Yes, Killua is the heir, though that boy Amon also had potential on par with Killua, I guess the tradition of the white haired successor passes on," Zeno said while taking a sit.

"Also, if Killua's mentality ever changes, tell that boy Illumi to plant a needle, Killua needs to be protected."

"Understood father."

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