Guardians - End

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Note: I wrote something painful but am not ready to post it yet. This was supposed to be a surprise for CLOY's one year anniversary but I didn't make it! Sorry. I still hope you like this!


"I'm so annoyed with Gwang-Beom!"

Jeong Hyeok looked up from the book he was reading. His sister seemed to be trying to shoot laser beams from her eyes to her phone in hopes that it will reach said man on the other end. "What did he do?"

"He's so dense. He's not even aware that this woman at the cafe is flirting with him! And he just smiles at her and is always nice to her. HMPH!" So-Hye complained.

"So you'd rather that he be a jerk to this other person just to appease you?" Jeong Hyeok asked.

"No. Just not too nice," his sister replied, defensively. Jeong Hyeok rolled his eyes at her, prompting her to add, "Don't act so righteous. You sulk like a child when Yoon Se-ri smiles at anyone who's almost as handsome as you are."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

The siblings continued to bicker until Jeong Hyeok refused to say anything anymore. To close the argument, he said, "Yoon Se-ri and I are just friends."

So-Hye nodded. Looking carefully at her brother, she said, "So it doesn't bother you that she's currently on a date with someone?"

"WHAT? What date?"

So-Hye pretended to look innocent. "Gwang-Beom is at the restaurant with her, two tables away. Se-ri said she previously made this promise to a friend to go out with this guy who's new in town."

She was met with silence, but she noticed that he had gotten fidgety. A few seconds later, he said, "Maybe you should talk things out with Gwang-Beom."


"No, that might freak Se-ri out if I show up," he muttered more to himself. "But maybe I should..." Turning to her, Jeong Hyeok requested, "Could you ask Gwang-Beom to let us know if they run into trouble?"

So-Hye smiled. "Okay. Anything else?"

He shook his head but watched as she typed a message and sent it. He turned to his book and tried to read again, but couldn't help but add, "Could you tell him I said hi also?"

His sister nodded. Reading aloud what she was typing, she parroted, "Gwang-Beom, my Oppa says hi."

"Hey! I meant to say hi to Yoon Se-ri!"

"Oh, you did? You didn't clarify that!"

Narrowing his eyes at her, Jeong Hyeok lunged to try to grab her phone but she was faster. She ran to her room, shouting, "You and Gwang-Beom would make a cute couple!" But, when she shut the door, she yelled so he could hear, "I told him it was for Se-ri! I also told him you're jealous."


Jeong Hyeok could hear her evil laugh behind her bedroom door. Blushing, he took out his phone and sent a message to Se-ri. "Don't believe what Gwang-Beom says. So-Hye is having a good time with me."

"So, you didn't say hi?" Se-ri replied quickly.

"I did."

"Then, everything is true then."

"Is that all he said?"

It took her longer to respond this time but when she did, he wished the world would swallow him whole. "He also told me that So-Hye said you've been pouting like a child since you found out I was on a date."

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