Chapter 4

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Y/N slowly opened his eyes and yawned, but he quickly realised something was wrong

He looked around the room and saw that he was sleeping on a couch inside of a fancy living room

"Where am I?" He thought to himself confused

"You finally woke up" Fuutaro said

Y/N got up from the couch and faced his friend

"Fuutaro?" He said quietly

"Sorry, can you say that again?" Fuutaro asked

"What? Can you not hear me?" Y/N said a little bit louder

"That's a little bit better, your voice is more quiet than usual" Fuutaro responded

"Huh, that's weird" Y/N said, touching his throat

"I don't feel anything wrong with my throat, why is my voice more quiet?" Y/N thought

The boy got out of the couch and stretched his arms

"So anyway, what is this place?" Y/N asked

Fuutaro sighed and answered him "This is the apartment of those quintuplets"

"Oh? Wait, aren't you supposed to be tutoring them?" Y/N questioned

Fuutaro groaned and laid back on the couch "Yeah, but nobody is willing to study!"

Suddenly, Yotsuba appeared from behind Fuutaro, startling him

"I'm here!" The girl says

"Umm, Yotsuba was it? The one who got a zero?" Fuutaro said

To this Yotsuba responded by rubbing her head

Fuutaro sighed "Could you try furrowing your eyebrows?" He asked

"Like this?" The girl said, furrowing her eyebrows

Fuutaro and Y/N looked at her expression and compared it to Itsuki

"Yep, they're definitely related" They both thought

"So why are you here?" Fuutaro said

Upon hearing this, Yotsuba puffed "I already told you! I'm here for your lessons!"

Fuutaro looked down as if he was about to tear up


"What is it?" The girl asked

"Please don't say anything weird Fuutaro" Y/N pleaded

"Can I hug you?" He asked weirding her out

Y/N sighed "Yotsuba, Do you know where Itsuki's room is?"

"Yep! It's the first one from up the stairs!" The girl directed

"Thank you" Y/N said, walking up the stairs

"Wait! Y/N, where are you going?" Fuutaro asked

Y/N stopped walking and faced his friend "I'm sure Itsuki wouldn't be okay with you tutoring her, so I'll tutor her instead"

He looked away from Fuutaro "I'm sure that you can handle the rest of them"

Fuutaro smiled "Yeah, I can do this no problem! Thanks Y/N!"

"I know you will Fuutaro, you have a way with getting through to stubborn people" Y/N thought, heading up the stairs

Y/N smiled "After all, you're the only one with a genuine voice"

The boy looked at the doors at the top of the stairs

"Let's see... Yotsuba said it was the first one" Y/N said to himself

At one with the silence(The Quintessential Quintuplets X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang