Chapter 2

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Y/N got bored of waiting for the teacher and decided to listen to some music on his headphones

"Oh yeah I never got the name of that girl from lunch, oh well I'll just ask tomorrow" Y/N thought to himself while listening to some music

The teacher suddenly walked into the classroom and prepared to make an announcement

"Hello class! Today we will be having a new transfer student, treat them nicely okay?" The teacher said, making some students interested

Suddenly, the girl Y/N bumped into at lunch entered the classroom and introduced herself

"Hello, my name is Nakano Miku, pleasure to meet you" She says, grabbing the attention of Y/N

"Hold on, that's the girl with the weird voice that I bumped into earlier!" Y/N said looking at the new student

Y/N's head yet again started feeling strange upon hearing this girl's voice "Seriously what the heck is this feeling!?" He thought to himself, concerned about his health

"You will be sitting to the right of Y/N, Y/N please raise your hand so she can find you" The teacher informed

Y/N rose his hand to let Miku know where he was

"Damn, that transfer student sure is lucky to be sitting with the silent prince!" A random girl said to her friends

"Oh god, not this again" Y/N said, groaning at the nickname

Miku walked to her seat and glanced at Y/N before quickly sitting down

The teacher silenced the class "Alright, now that you're acquainted with the transfer student, we will begin the lesson"

As the lesson went on, Y/N started to drift off into his imagination, completely ignoring the lesson in front of him

"Ishigami? Are you with us?" The teacher said snapping Y/N out of his daydream

"Yes sensei" Y/N lied

"Well then answer the question on the board if you were paying attention" The teacher said, knowing Y/N wasn't listening

Y/N read the question on the board out loud "Let's see, who was the first shogun of the Sengoku period? This should be easy, that's my favourite period" 

"Well, do you have an answer?" The teacher said smirking

"Sakanoue no Tamuramaro" Y/N answered, making the teacher fume

"Alright hot shot lets play a game, I'll ask you 10 question and if you get a single one wrong you have to spend your lunch with me for a week" The teacher proposed to Y/N

Y/N raised an eyebrow "What do I get if I get them all right?"

"You can do whatever you want do do in my class for the rest of the day" The teacher responded, not realizing what they got themselves into

Y/N smiled and responded "Alright then"

The teacher asked Y/N crazily specific questions about Japanese history that Y/N answered with ease

"How the heck did you know all of that!?" The teacher said shocked

"Your voice is annoying, just get back to the lesson" Y/N said putting his headphones on and relaxing to some music

Miku looked at Y/N and blushed "I didn't even know some of those questions! Does he maybe have the same passion for the Sengoku period that I do?" 

Miku watched as Y/N bobbed his head to the music he was listening to "What am I saying, there's no way anybody is as weird as me" She thought sadly

The class ended with Y/N not doing any work and a very mad social studies teacher

Y/N sighed "Alright I got all my stuff, It's time to get going" The quiet boy said, leaving his classroom

"I wonder what Fuutaro is gonna do when he gets home" Y/N thought to himself while walking home

He laughed at how ridiculous that thought was "Who am I kidding, he's obviously gonna be studying his butt off"

Y/N listened to some music to pass the time as he walked home

While he was walking, he noticed the same group of girls he saw at lunch walking into a huge apartment complex

"Damn, they must be pretty rich if they live there" Y/N thought in awe

To Y/N's surprise one of the girls looked at him and started running towards him, making him feel extremely uneasy

"Y/N! There you are!" One of the girls said, getting really close to Y/N

"Umm, how do you know my name?" Y/N asked uncomfortably 

The girl responded "I saw it on your test sheet silly!" The girl responded

"Oh! This must be the girl from lunch!" Y/N thought in realization

"Allow me to introduce myself! My name is Itsuki Nakano, pleasure to meet you!" She introduces

"Nakano? I could've sworn I sa-" His thoughts were cut off by an intense glare from Miku

"Another person with that last name" Y/N finished in his head

Y/N begun to connect the dots "These people, are they all siblings!?" He thought in shock

"These are my sisters! We're all quintuplets!" She smiled

"Wow, I've never met quintuplets before, this is quite a sight" Y/N thought

"Anyway, I just wanted to know if you were okay with tutoring me tomorrow" She asked

Y/N hesitated a bit before responding "I think I have time"

"Great! I'll show you the way to our house after school tomorrow!" She responded gratefully

"Well um, goodbye then" Y/N said awkwardly, putting his headphones on and continuing his walk home

Itsuki waved Y/N goodbye "Seeya!"

"Hey Itsuki, who was that?" One of her sisters asked

"Oh, just a new friend!" She responded

Miku looked at Itsuki intrigued "That was the boy from my social study class, how did he know Itsuki?" She thought

"Well it's not like I care about him, so I'll just but out of my sister's business" She thought, waving the questions in her head away

Y/N arrived at his home and changed into his casual outfit

He sat down in his living room couch and listened to some more music

"Just what did I get myself into?" He said to himself, thinking back to the events that happened today

"I'm still curious about that transfer girl" Y/N thought

He thought back to her strange voice "Why is it that her voice makes me feel so strange?"

At one with the silence(The Quintessential Quintuplets X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now