Chapter 1

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"Oi! Fuutaro, your brides ready, so get the hell up!" Y/N said shouting at Fuutaro, causing him to yawn and wake up

"Sorry I just had a dream about when we both met them" Fuutaro responded

Y/N smiled and replied "Yeah, a lot sure did happen since then"

"Ever since the day that brought you guys together" Y/N responded thinking about the past

"And the fated day that brought us together as well" Y/N thought to himself

"One barbeque beef combo hold the beef please!" Fuutaro shouted, giving his order to the lunch lady

The lunch lady looked at him weirdly and responded "A-alright here you go!" She said handing him the plate

Y/N approached the lunch lady nervously "Come one Y/N you can do this!" He thought to himself

"I-I want an umm barbeque beef combo, hold the beef as well please," He said shyly

"Alright, here you go!" The lunch lady said giving Y/N the plate

Y/N walked away from the canteen proud of himself "Good job Y/N! Now you need to find Fuutaro" He thought to himself

"Look! That's the silent prince, apparently he only sits and talks with that loser honour student, he refuses to even go near anyone else, nobody knows why" A random girl said to her friend

"Really!? that's so weird! He's good looking, it's such a waste" The other girl said in disappointment

Y/N groaned at his nickname and walked to his usual spot where he and Fuutaro ate

"Well the only reason I don't hang around with them is becau-" His thoughts were interrupted by the sight in front of him

Y/N noticed Fuutaro arguing with a random girl and paced over to see what was going on

"Hey Fuutaro, did you make a new friend?" Y/N asked nonchalantly

"Don't be ridiculous Y/N! This person is trying to take our table!" Fuutaro said still butting heads with the girl

Y/N sighed and then spoke, "You do realize we have 3 seats on this table right?"

Fuutaro looked at Y/N shocked "You know for someone so smart your pretty dumb sometimes" Y/N mumbled

"Hey stranger would you like to sit with us?" Y/N asked politely

"Fine! But I'm staying far away from this weirdo" She responded rather rudely

The three sat down and began eating their meals, but both Y/N and Fuutaro noticed something about this girls meal

"IT'S SO EXPENSIVE!" They both thought

Fuutaro looked at the girl curiously "Is this girl's family loaded or something!?" He thought shocked at the girl's lunch

"Wow, that transfer student is talking to Fuutaro and Y/N? Maybe she knows them!" A random guy said

"I get why she would sit with Y/N but why would she sit near that loner nerd?" His friend said

Y/N finished his food and put his headphones on "Finally some peace, I don't have to hear all of their annoying voices" He thought happily

Fuutaro took out his flipbook which caught the attention of the strange girl "Oh great, just when I thought I was gonna be able to relax"

"Why are you reading a flipbook while you eat? That seems kinda disrespectful don't you think?" The girl asked confused

"If you must know, I'm cramming for an exam I have soon" Fuutaro responded

"Wow you must be pretty dumb if you're studying this hard for a test" She insulted

The girl noticed an exam paper sticking out of Fuutaro's bag and grabbed it

"Let's see, you got- 100 PERCENT!? What the hell!? How is that even possible!?" The girl shouted extremely shocked

"Aww man, I'm so embarrassed" Fuutaro said obviously lying

The girl looked at Fuutaro with stars in her eyes "Hey I have an idea! I'm not too good at academics, would you be interested in tutoring me!?" She asked pleadingly

Y/n groaned as the scene before him unfolded "I should've just moved to another seat"

"Not interested" Fuutaro answered coldly

He left the table to empty his plate "Also, you shouldn't eat so much, you'll get fat if you do" Fuutaro stated rudely before leaving

The girl looked at Fuutaro angrily and responded "You are the most insensitive person I have ever met! What kind of jerk says that!?"

Fuutaro just ignored her and left "You know, Fuutaro isn't actually a bad guy, he's actually really nice once you get to know him," Y/N said, standing up for his friend

The girl sighed and responded, "Well at least you aren't as mean as him, what are your grades like?" She asked

"Pretty average to be honest," Y/N said bluntly

The girl grabbed an exam from Y/N's bag shocking him "Hey wai-

"100 AS WELL!? Is that what average is to you!?" She said loudly

"Well I'm average compared to the smartest person in the world," Y/N said shyly

"So do you think you could tutor me then?" She asked pleadingly

Y/N looked at her pleading eyes and gave in "Sure, but only when I'm free okay?" He responded

"That works for me!" The girl responded happily

Y/N sighed and left "Well I gotta go, see ya"

"Great, what have I gotten myself into?" Y/N groaned

As Y/N walked by the cafeteria, he noticed an odd group of girls sitting together at a table

While looking at the group of girls, Y/N brushed shoulders with a strange girl with red hair and blue headphones on her neck

"Ah, I'm sorry about that" Y/N responded quietly

"It's alright" The girl responded before quickly walking away

Upon hearing the girl speak, Y/N's head started feeling strange "What the heck? That girl's voice feels odd somehow"

He shrugged it off and walked to his next class "That girl's voice was weird, it was unlike anybody's that I've ever heard" He thought to himself while entering his classroom

"Well, I guess I should just mind my own business and ignore it," Y/N said focusing on his class

He sat down on his chair and groaned "Why do I have a feeling that something annoying is about to happen?"

Thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed!

At one with the silence(The Quintessential Quintuplets X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora