Chapter 2: Charlotte

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Chapter 2: The Fatal Blow.


As the loud sound of the school bell ring rang through my ears, I hopped out of me seat eagerly to rush out of class. My books huddled into my arms as my feet took me to the place where I needed to be, the gym doors. Patiently waiting, some of my friends had bid me a good weekend as the end of school rolled around. Suddenly, Jasper's face popped out from behind a glass window in the door, his smiled compelled me to smile. I made a hand gesture to come outside and rushed off. I knew he would follow behind me, he always does.

"Charlotte! Wait up!"

I giggled my way down the hall and sprinted out the front doors to my bike. As quick as I could to take the lock of my bike, Jasper had now caught up to his bike.

"Oh, I see how it is! Your trying to beat me to the ice cream shop!" He fumed, trying to get his lock off while I was already on my bike now. Another giggle portrayed from my mouth as I sled down the street, making my way to Mr. Tyler's Ice Cream Shop. With a smile on my face, glanced over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of Jasper's bike on my heels. Once I had stopped and placed my bike on the ground, somehow Jasper came behind me and tickled me to the ground.

"Haha-Hey! No-haha-fair!" I exclaimed, watching Jasper trying to beat me to the shop. I tugged on his shirt causing him to stumble back. Throughout our laugh fast, Mr. Tyler, the owner of the shop, walked out with a serious look planted on his face.

"Oh hey Mr. Tyler, how's your-"

"What are you two doing out here?! Don't you know we're are at war?!"

This made both of our laughter stop and a fear fill my stomach. War? What war?

"War? Mr. Tyler what are you talking about? There is no war-" Jasper tried to explain.

"Damn right there's a war son, haven't you been reading the paper? A man gone wild has created the doomsday bomb and is threatening to drop one this day!"

Both me and Jasper have each other a look of fear, our main goal wasn't Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream now.

"Go home kids, go to your basements and hide there till it's all over."

With that, Mr. Tyler ran back into his shop and slammed the door shut. I gave Jasper one look before scrambling to my bike. We made off like bandits down the street to our homes.

"You can spend the night with me, I don't want you pedalling half way across town."

And neither do I.


The last thing I remember was the sweet sound of Jasper's voice but not the sound of a bomb going off. I lifted my hand and gently rubbed over my forehead as I felt a cool sensation drip repeatedly. Suddenly, I let out multiple coughs and my body rose from the floor but something had blocked me, a living room wall. My weak body latched the thing off of myself.

"Ugh, my head.." I exclaimed, sitting upwards as dust fall off from my body. Looking around at Jasper's household, everything was trashed. Dishes were broken, walls were half apart and the floor held cracks. A sudden realization fell over me, where was Jasper? I sprung up from my spot on the floor and dashed around his living room. I had checked everywhere, looking high and low for him but he was nowhere to be seen.


The sound of a heavy groan pleaded out to me as a sign that he was here. I bolted towards the living room once more to only find him laying half way up the staircase, leading to the upstairs. I admittedly helped him push the huge chunks of the wall off of him. Once he had stood up, I hugged the living daylights out of him.

"I thought you were gone.." I whispered to Jasper as he had hugged me as well. He pulled away, gently wiping away the lonely tear that dragged down my cheek and looked around in a sort of panic.

"Where are my parents?"

I gave one shake of the head before walking down the steps and to the front door. I slowly opened the front door as Jasper's calls for his parents echoed in the house. The sight in front of me was frightening. Trees were on fire, the roads were split in two, army trucks sped down the street as firetrucks would do, people crying and laying dead stained the place we called Earth.

"Oh my god.... Jasper!!"

The sound of his confused voice came outside to only see the sight before him and the sight before me, his dead parents. He bolted to them shouting and crying, causing the army men to look over at us.

"Hey! You two!"

I turned towards him, having tears falling down my cheeks. Jasper didn't even consider on listening to the man.

"You two need to get out off here, this area is strictly under military missionary!"

Suddenly, the man had grabbed Jasper and I and placed us in the back of an army truck. Fear and sadness had fell over me as I thought of my parents and baby sister.

"Take these two to North Carolina!"

Jasper had turned to the man in shock as a lady helped me into the truck.

"North Carolina? That's half way across America!"

"And that's were you need to be in order to be safe."

As Jasper was shoved into the truck with me, the man slammed the door closed and banged on it twice, signalling to drive away. With darkness all around us, we were just left in our thoughts and emotions.. for now.

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