Jasper: Chapter 3

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Jaspers POV

Camp Redfern Carolina.

The large army vehicle pulled to a halt, its light shining on the old abandon shack. The man turned to look at them. His smile faded, and he started looking away from them.

"We have no were else, well to keep you. There is food and water we can give you, but you are going to have to find your own way from here". He hesitated and then spoke up. "Our new leaders, they aren't helping 'poor' civilians like you. You need money and power, I can to no more, I am sorry, it's just the way it is". He looked at them and waved his hand at them, hinting it was time to go.

Jasper and Charlotte swung the food packs over their back, and started stepping towards the large wooden shack. Jasper slowly swung open the door, he turned around to face Charlotte and smiled before he was enveloped in the darkness.

They set up a small fire and huddled together snacking on some food bars. There wasn't much talk, Jasper was still shocked, about his parents, and Charlotte was obviously giving him some space on the topic.

Jasper unrolled a small mat that came in the pack. It was really only big enough for one of them, he looked at Charlotte ready to offer her it, when she spoke up. "We can share, I don't want it to be unfair, is that ok?" she asked blushing. Jasper looked at her and smiled, "sure". He started pulling out the sleeping back, and that's were it got uncomfortable.

"Hum there is only one, what kow" he asked. Charlotte looked towards the door, it was winter, it would be cold. She laughed and smiled at him. "I suppose it's going to be a tight fit.


Jasper and Charlotte, slid slowly into the sleeping bag, it was in fact a tight fit, Jasper lay down his arms behind his head, Charlotte leaned up close to him, and rested her head on his arm, she turned her head and smiled at him.

Charlotte leaned forward, towards him and whispered in his ear, "I am sorry about your mum, your dad and all". Jasper bit his lip, shaking a bit. "Is there any way I can help?" she asked him. Jasper shrugged his shoulders. And looked away for a moment. She pulled his head around to face hers, "How about this", she leaned forward and kissed him, her teeth bitting his lip, she pulled him closer. Jasper kissed her back. He put his hand around her head, and held her in his arms.

Her hand slipped away, and started to lower. Jasper smiled at her, and let her continue.


They woke up to the sun blasting through a broken window, Jasper yawned and smiled at Charlotte. He pulled her into a hug, they lay there for a while in each other's company. But they couldn't stay. They had to get up, to start a look for Charlotte's parents.

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