I felt so bad for everybody else

"Guys I'm sorry he just won't stop crying"

"It's okay Mads believe me I have one of those and am about to have another one" Addi said laughing

We gave Jake to Anthony and he swayed him back and forth and he suddenly stopped crying

What the fuck

Suddenly I got emotional don't ask me why or how but I just did was i the problem was I doing a bad job

I layed my head on Jadens shoulder

Jaden POV

Anthony managed to get Jake to fall asleep and I felt a tear on my shoulder I looked and realized it was coming from Mads

"Baby what's wrong " I Caressed her cheek

"Am I doing a bad job "

"What do you mean"

"Am I a bad mom"

It hurt me that these questions even went through her head

"Baby you are the best mother to our baby boy in the world you would do anything for him why would you ever think that love "

"It's just that when he was with me he was crying and when he wasn't  he stopped does he not want to be with me"

"Oh princess he's literally the biggest mommy's boy ever he probably was just upset of being in the same place but don't ever doubt yourself as a mom or as anything else because you're perfect at everything you do " I brought her in For a kiss and soon she feel asleep on my shoulder

Bryce POV

We were one hour away from sway and Belle had her head on my lap while Addi was scrolling through her phone

Then I got a call from Tayler he was FaceTiming me

"What up "

"Hey Bryciepoo"

"Shut the fuc-" Addison death stared me

"The duck up" Belle started laughing

"Daddy why did you say duck"

"Umm because your uncle Tayler looks like a duck"

"Anyways what did you want "

"I'm hearing you went on trip and I wasn't invited"

"Don't even yes I did I told you beforehand and you said you would be busy "

"You should've asked me twice 🙄" Tayler

"Uncle Tay!" Belle screamed through the phone

Gosh she was loud 😂

"Hey princess"

"Daddy I want to see buddy"

"Baby uncle Tay doesn't have buddy there "

"I want to see buddy" she began to cry

"I'm talking on the phone Belle please "

"Hung up I want to see Buddy"

"Belle don't be disrespectful please " Addi

"I want to see buddy " she said throwing herself on the floor and throwing a tantrum

"Tayler I'll call you later I don't know what's wrong with her " he laughed and he told me he would hang by tomorrow

" Belle get back to your seat " Addi

"No I want buddy "

"1...2.. Belle please "

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