CHAPTER 1: The Villainess is just so cute~

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What am I even doing?

I twirl my dark auburn hair around my finger while I gazed back at my reflection.

"Its been more than a year but I'm still at awe" I mean who wouldn't? I was just trying to sleep whilst reading some isekai novels and now... I'm actually in an otome game I've never played!

'I just read isekai novels! What the heck will I do in an otome game!!! Dear what ever entity out there... are you sure this wasn't a mistake?!!' I scream in my head.

I let out a loud sigh... seriously I just know this game from the summary some of my friends who do play dating games told me.

Thanks goodness I'm not the villainess or heroine. I guess I should be thankful that I wasn't gender bent as well. Because I have no idea how I would react to that...

'A mob huh...' I tapped my fingers before deciding to get ready for the day and ring a bell near my nightstand.

*bell ringing*

"Yes, My lady?" A maid softly calls out outside the door.

I call her in and she quickly prepares the water for the bath as well as the dress for the day.

I try to calm myself down a bit, I still wasn't used to someone else bathing and clothing me. Somehow my body doesn't flinch and my embarrassment fades away to nothingness. Although I retained most of my first life's memories, they've already blended with my memories of this world.

Oh I haven't yet introduced myself!

I'm Agnes Eleanor, a mob character seen only at the academy and in the background giving lectures. The only significant thing related to me is that the Villainess Elizabeth Hadleigh is my little cousin. Agnes in the game is a so-called 'prodigy' as she finished from the academy early... though most of it is thanks to my photographic memory. The only thing I thank the deities above of, because who would want to repeat and have to remember everything needed in school. Though because I'm just a mob and my identity as a teacher, everything about me was more or less just average.

For example if I had to repeat a spell or use pentagram like symbols to create warding and protective wards, and while I could use most elements like wind water earth and fire. There's just a limit to how strong I could create them, no matter how much I tired and push myself even my sword skills are just enough for me to keep up with commander knights.

She and the crown prince are my students before the academy starts as well as becoming one of the magic and etiquette teachers.

Elizabeth, my dearest cousin isn't even what some would see as a 'villain'. There were just some rules and social conducts that needed to take in place and even certain obvious problem with how the heroine would keep in close contact with males, which some female fiancés were not so fond of. The heroine who grew up in a area where most commoners, were not aware of where noble niceties stand.

I think the biggest reason why they made it seem like women were dainty and suppressed even though they themselves have their own mind, was to contrast the female lead that would be 'strong-minded' or more likely to loudly voice out and try to break all the stereotypes whereas not really seeing how the after effect may be. This however makes the male leads come to like her more because she was 'different' from the other females they know.

Like seriously I mean in some cases I think its because you surrounded yourselves with those so called 'females', that or you just attract people who has the same attitude as yourself.

I can't really judge them, as I don't even know how I got my wacky lovable group of friends in my past life even as an introvert.

"I really miss them" I whispered out loud by accident.

"My Lady?"

"Has Elizabeth arrived?" I say as I take in a deep breath when she tugs on the corset. 'Yes a corset. I don't really know what era they wanted it to be but it's a fictional world so who cares I guess?'

"Not yet my lady." She answers and finishes lacing the back of the dark green velvet dress.

"Alright, take me to the waiting room and please bring the usual blend of tea."

"Yes, My Lady"

Elizabeth is the Villainess of the otome game "To my blooming Cereus". Cereus is a common name of a night blooming flower from cacti. It blooms only for a single night, once a year. Sometimes called princess of the night. The flower is usually pale while almost translucent in color. A flower blooming at nightfall and withers at dawn.

The story starts in the middle of the main character's 3rdyear in the academy. The sky slowly starts to darken, and a sheen of fog starts covering the whole kingdom. The sound of a battle cry similar to that of a monster's roar frightens the students hurrying to fit themselves in the auditorium. The female and male leads as well as the villainess were fighting about the sudden changes.

The female lead in the middle of the so-called 'fight' suddenly awakens her light element which turns her hair pure white. This in turn helped start rumors about the possibility of the legend of the saintess blessed by the gods to fight against the recently awakened demon king who was cursed to sleep for a hundred years.

I would gladly have been a mob cheering on the main protagonists if it weren't for my position.

I remembered the first time I opened my eyes and realized that I got sucked in an otome game.

A room adorned with walls of mauve colors, simple yet elegant looking furniture lined and accented with gold embroidery.




And in the corner of my eyes were tousled vivid red locks.

My eyes widened as I stared at this adorable little girl who was crying beside me, whispering apologies and promises to work harder, her eyes puffy and red as she held on to my hand. Waiting for any signs of me waking, I couldn't help but feel sorry.

This little girl beside me...

Elizabeth ...

That dream I had... was it from a past life? Were we really just some game that people play with? This life I'm living...

This is real life now isn't it?

To me, Agnes Eleanor and to this little girl desperately clinging on me.

'Mou~ I cant help but be moved' I reached out to her with my other hand and gave a small smile.

"S-si-ister Ag-nes?" She calls in between sniffs.

Geez how can such an adorable girl like you be called a villainess?

Hey GUYS!!! I'm a newbie in the isekai world and have been obsessed with them these past few months! I just love them to the point that I tend to refresh some of my favorite novels almost everyday especially since sometimes there isn't a certain schedule for updates! Sadly though a lot of stories are now being taken down.

The first chapter is mostly about how Agnes sees things and her opinions. It might be boring but please bear with me!

Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter! And see you in the next one!

Agnes Sensei just wants to live peacefullyWhere stories live. Discover now