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Life is unfair i learned everything at the age of four it was supposed to be a normal day but little did i know it was the calm before the storm a long lasting storm in a world where quirks or powers were the normal the abuse of power was present as well that is when they emerged they were a thing of fantasy in the past a thing that was thought to be impossible, HEROES they were the ones who keep the peace but as time went by the true meaning of heroes were lost and i plan to bring it back my name Is Izuku Yagi and this is my journey And my road to becoming the Number 1 hero and the last user of 2 lost arts........

breath of the sun and breath of the moon

(Narrator's Pov)
It was a quiet morning  japan it would've been have been quiet if not for the Loud cheering of 2 kids trying to wake their parents from their sleep up these to where Izuku Yagi and Izumi yagi the children of Toshinori Yagi and Inko yagi their lovely parents

"MOM, DAD WAKE UP IT'S TIME FOR THE TEST!"exclaimed both of the kids that were 4 years old " Alright alright were up"Said Inko Yagi with a smile the family then went down and ate breakfast when Izuku spoke "Do you think I'll have a quirk as awesome as all mights?!" He Said with a Hopeful look" I'm sure you will have an even Better one!" Toshinori encouraged his son" What about me?" Asked Izumi" I'm sure yours will be So Cool like Izuku's"Said Their mother "Yeah!" The 2 kids exclaimed after finishing breakfast they went to the hospital to get tested The Kids on the way were practically bouncing with Joy as they wanted to know what their quirks will be...

"Quirkless"Said the doctor In that moment little Izuku's world shattered infront of Him his dreams of being the number one Hero seemed so Far now It was almost out of reach like some fantasy he can never achieve" Are you sure doctor? because that can't be right" Asked a worried Inko "Yes but more importantly your daughter has an Enchanced version of your quirk at her current age she can lift a car while only worrying about small headaches and as she continues to train and get older she will eventually be able to lift a building with no drawbacks!"The doctor stated solemnly at Izuku's condition and happy for Izumi, In that moment Inko completely forgot about Izuku and Hugged her daughter" My baby will become a strong hero!" Inko said with pride izuku thought nothing of it And thought that maybe tomorrow things will go back to normal tomorrow But it won't not by a long shot it would mark a day a day that would start the making of a true hero, Inko nad Izumi the left but Izuku stayed and asked the doctor one last question "Can I become a hero?" Izuku said with a hopeful tone but if you payed attention you would notice the sad and emptiness on his voice The doctor then smiled while Izuku looked down thinking the doctor will laugh at him but what he heard shocked him And gave him hope

"Who am I to decide? That's not up to me to decide kid...." The Doctor spoke And then stopped He then Turned his chair around and Faced the window as Izuku looked at the doctors chair" It's up to you to Decide You might be beaten down, neglected, Tortured even Raped for being quirkless But at the end of the day it is not up to anybody on how you forge your path Kid Your Destiny is always In your control"The doctor said encouraging izuku "Don't ask someone if you can be a hero because at the end of the day it would be your Choice"
The doctor said with a smile "Bu-but i he-heard qui-quirkless people are des-destined to be useless" Said Izuku thinking negatively of himself "Who cares about destiny, Izuku Yagi Who said Fate dictates where you go? Who said Everything that will happen has been written already? If it was written already then Change it if it was predicted already prove it wrong if it was determined by fate already then Bend Fate, Yes Izuku you can be a hero"The doctor Said Making sure Izuku won't give up "Tha-Thank you do-Doctor" Izuku said With Tears in his eyes "Now go on little One And take these with you" He said giving him 2 Earings One with a pattern of the Moon and one with The pattern of the sun "I have no need of them Make sure you take care of them and only were them once you master their respective side they are my family heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation And take these books along with a boken(Japanese Wood katana) with you they will serve useful in your journey and once you mastered them Make sure you burn them The world has no need for these old arts" The doctor said giving him a book labeled Sun and Moon "Thank you doctor?" Izuku asked "Oh I'm Yoriko Kamado" The old doctor said with a smile also Here is my number you can talk to me if you need anything Now go on young one Your mother must be waiting for you" Yoriko spoke in a soft and calm tone Izuku then nodded and Carried the books and the earings with him as he Ran Towards his parents "Goodluck kid your journey will be tough But i believe in you as i can feel it you have The blessing of both sun and moon" Yoriko thought

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