The final battle

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Alistairs P.O.V
After giving the army a speech to encourage them, we were fighting at the gates and I see someone very familiar.

No it couldn't be... Kiara was... A darkspawn general... How could that even hapoen? We're supposed to be immune! My love was now a darkspawn...

Kiaras P.O.V
I was leading the darkspawn army as the archdemon was telling me to when I saw Alistair and i felt my heart sink.

I looked around and saw uncle Riordan as well who was looking at me shocked and worried. I ran to Alistair, who raised his blade ready to strike me down even tho i could tell he didn't want to.

"no wait! Alistair plz... Help me... I don't wanna be a darkspawn...." i said and Alistair was shocked that I was talking. Alistair hugged me tightly and i couldn't help but smile.

The archdemon commanded me and told me to snap out of it, and of course I had to obey but I looked at Alistair with sad eyes.

"I will find a way to bring you back Kiara I swear it" i heard him say before I went back to battling with my fellow darkspawn. Eventually I had gone ahead of the horde and I realized that my army was defeated at the gates.

Riordans P.O.V
I told Alistair the plan and I was worried about Kiara, she was a darkspawn... Alistair took some of his friends and I went ahead to the top of fort drakon and finish the archdemon.

However when I reached the top, Kiara was there waiting for me and i drew out my blade In defense, though I didn't want to hurt someone who was like a niece to me.

"uncle riordan.... I mean no harm... Plz.. There's a way to save me from this corruption...But it has to be done before the archdemon is slain" she told me and I put my blade away knowing the archdemon would take a bit to get here.

Kiara smiled and hugged me, I was glad my niece was ok and I listend to ger when she explained how to save her. "in order for me to become normal again... I need just a tiny bit of your blood to mix with mine uncle riordan... You're not my real uncle but you're the closest to family i have... And it only works with family"

I was hesitant on these words but I agreed to help her and she took out her dagger, cut both of our hands and she took some of my blood, mixing it with hers.

Kiaras P.O.V
Once i mixed my blood with Riordans i felt like I was changing and I had returned to normal finally. I hugged my uncle tightly and he hugged back happily.

Eventually the archdemon came and Riordan jumped onto his back, stabbing his sword into the archdemons neck but the archdemon tried to throw him off and my uncle clinged onto his wing.

I began to worry as my uncle slid off the archdemon, ripping his wing and my uncle couldn't hold on much longer and eventually fell to his death. I began to cry, first my best friend and father and now Riordan... He may not have been my real uncle but he was the only family i had left...

Alistairs P.O.V
I saw Riordan fall to his death and I could imagine the look on her face... I knew she would be crying if she were still human...

I entered the fort and made my way to the top to see Kiara there, crying over the loss of her uncle and she was human again. I rushed to her and held her close as I watched the archdemon kill the men.

"come on kiara we have to fight the archdemon" I told her and she got up, and started running at the dragon with her weapons out and she was all iver the dragon. 'damn the archdemon really pissed her off' i thought and me and my friends helped to fight.

Kiaras P.O.V
Eventually the  archdemon was knocked out and as Alistair and Elissa were arguing about who was going to be the sacrifice, I ran took the sword from a corpse and slid under the archdemon, slicing his neck and i stabbed the archdemon.

Alistair and Elissa quickly looked over  and saw what was happening and Alistair was super worried. A light came from the archdemon and the darkspawn fled back underground.

Alistairs P.O.V
We were knocked back from the slaying of the archdemon, and when I woke up I saw Kiara laying there lifeless and i ran up to her, kneeling beside her i held her in my arms.

"Kiara... No...." i said to myself and i cried holding her cold body close to me wishing it was me instead of her. At least now she was with her father, best friend, and Riordan...

We held a funeral for Kiara and I kissed her one last time before she was buried and I carried on my duties as the king of ferelden.

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