Redcliffe village

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Kiaras P.O.V
After leaving my friends, I set off on my own and found a badass armor suit that would hide my identity And plus it was pretty strong. (see pic above)

Eventually I found myself at redcliffe and I saw someone standing on the bridge, so I went over to him. "Thank the maker you came, have you heard what happened?" he asked.

"no.. I don't think anybody knows what's happening" i said confused. "every night, corpses come from the castle and attack the village! We've been fighting but we lose more people" The man explained.

"I will do whatever I can to help" I told him and he felt relieved. I began to walk to the village to see what I could do to help when I heard Alistairs voice behind me.

I couldn't let them know I was here, especially Elissa... I thought she didn't mind me being part demon, she was so nice about it... But the day after that incident she... Became rude and bullied me. I would have protected myself but I was afraid to since she was a cousland and they were and high noble family or so I heard.

I quickly ran into the village before I could be spotted.

Morrigans P.O.V
I thought I saw someone in black armor run ahead but I was unsure. Tis was probably nothing but I was curious of who that person may have been.

Kiaras P.O.V
I was helping to prepare the village for tonights attack when I saw Elissa and her party being lead by the man i saw before and quickly hid.

I didn't want Elissa to see me, I was afraid of what she might do if she did. Once they went inside the chantry, I came out of hiding and the mayor came up to me asking why I was avoiding her. When I explained it to him however, he was shocked and I don't know why.

After a while, it was finally night time and the corpses began to emerge from a green mist. The villagers were scared and ran inside the chantry for protection, while the soldiers got ready to fight.

Finally, the battle was over and I had heard about the urn of sacred ashes, so I ventured to find them to help the arl get well, while Elissa and her friends dealt with just getting into the castle.

I came across a village named Haven and something wasn't right, the guard didn't seem to take to kindly to me and wanted me to leave, but of course I ignored him and walked up a hill and into a chantry.

When I walked in, I saw that people were in the  middle of something so I stood by the door and waited. Though they were talking about Andraste as if she was alive and it had me confused.

Once they finished I approached their revered "father" and asked him about the urn of sacred ashes. He told me that it was just a legend and he seemed to actually appreciate that I let them finish their... Whatever they were doing.

I sighed "look, I only want to find brother Genitivi, take him to the urn, grab a pinch of the ashes, and get the hell out of this town... It creeps me out" I told the father and he looked at me curiously and handed me his medallion, pointing to where Genitivi was.

When i opened the door, I saw Genitivi on the ground, his leg injured so I bandaged it up for him and together we went to the temple. He opened the door and began to admire all the carvings, but I didn't have time so I went on without a word.

After making my way through the temple, fighting a bunch of cultists and dragons I came upon another temple and when I went inside there was a man guarding the entrance.

He told me that I had to prove myself worthy in the gauntlet before I could take some of the ashes. I agreed but before I went on, the guardian wanted to ask something.

"I see the path to get here was not easy... Tell me Kiara, do you wish that you had taken the blow instead of your father? how it would have been different if he was still alive and you weren't?" he asked and I felt sad.

"y-yes... I wanted to die with my father... I can see his spirit of course but... It's not the same... I miss him so much..." I felt like I was about to cry at that point and the guardian nodded And i continued further.

I saw a ton of spirits who knew andraste and I answered all their riddles quite easily. The next test. I saw what seemed to be my dad and I began to cry.

"it is okay my daughter, don't cry... You have done many great things and I'm very proud of you... If you died with me in battle, you wouldn't have been able to do the great things you've accomplished" he told me and I slightly smiled and hugged him.

"i miss you so much dad! I-I promise i'll do whatever it takes to end the blight! I'll make you more proud" I told him, making him chuckle. "I look forward to it, here take this. I hope it will help you on your adventure" he said.

I looked at the sword my father gave me and it was a lot like the one he gave me when I was little, but this one had a red design on it And it seemed more powerful, I could feel the energy coming from it.

My dad disappeared and I continued forward, only to be facing a spirit version of myself which I defeated easily, even though it was rather challenging.

I reached the final test and looked at the carving on the pedastal in front of me, realizing that I had to be cleansed and I sighed before I took my armor off And walked through the fire.

The guardian then approached  me saying that I had passed and I was free to take the ashes. I put my armor back on and went up to the urn and took only a pinch and put them in my bag.

Once I returned to the castle, I walked to Bann Teagan and told him that I found the ash. "t-thank you stranger... Elissa just went to go get them herself..." he said and i shrugged.

Finally the arl was well and Elissa came back, when she heard the news confused about how someone beat her to the ashes.

Once Elissa was done talking to the arl, she turned to me. "you... Went by yourself?" she asked and to avoid being noticed I only nodded not wanting my voice to be heard in case she recognized it.

Alistair kept looking at me, as if trying to figure out who I was and it made me smile to see his handsome face again. I walked up to him and whispered "i missed you Alistair".

His sweet girl| alistair x ocWhere stories live. Discover now