A major confession and a stepdown

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Kiaras P.O.V
Alistairs eyes widened, when he realized who I was and i had him be quiet about it, but boy was he ever so happy to see me. I couldn't help but smile at his childness and we went to the arls estate in denerim.

I was standing in the kitchen, talking to the spirit of my dad that I as part demon can see.

Kiara: dad... I don't like being the daughter of a demon... I feel unwanted... And sometimes i just feel like I'm overpowered and I don't like it...
Duncan: i know kiara, and i'm sorry you have to be more like your mother...
Kiara: I miss you so much dad.. I wish you didnt have to die... I could have saved you...
Duncan: (chuckles) kiara you know as well as I do, that we do whatever is necessary to defeat the blight even if it means we die in battle.
Kiara: i know... But for me it was just to soon that you left... You and cailan... I barely got to spend time with him ever since he became king...

What I didn't realize was that Oghren was on the otherside, watching me probably thinking I was some crazy bat.

Oghrens P.O.V
I was in the kitchen, drinking ale like I always do and I heard someone talking so I looked in that direction and saw the guy in black armor talking to the air.

I was confused, he said dad a lot, but this voice... It sounded more Like a female... I crept over to this person to listen to the voice more and I suddenly knew the voice.

It was Kiara! She's back, I knew she couldn't resist me. "welcome back kiara" I said with a slight smirk. "ah! Uhh I don't know who Kiara is" she tried to fool me.

"ah sod it Kiara I know who you are, don't play dumb with me." I told her and she sighed. "don't tell Elissa plz... She hates me..." Kiara said and I was confused on why Elissa would hate her.

Kiara was a beautiful woman, she was kind, fierce, quick with blades, smart and a sodding great drinker. She was actually able to outdrink me one time on a dare from Zevran, though she never drank again after that.

You'd have to be sodding mad to hate a woman like Kiara. I couldn't keep my eyes off her, I think it was the ale kicking in but something was luring me towards her.

Kiaras P.O.V
I noticed how Oghren kept looking at me, lust in his eyes and I knew that it was either he was drunk or my stupid desire powers were kicking in and luring him towards me.

Either way, I was not gonna take the chance so I quickly bolted out the door and into a room where nobody else was. I sighed in relief when I heard another voice and I looked up to see Elissa.

Elissa growled and came towards me "take the helmet off... It is rude to wear a helmet in someone else's home" she told me but I refused to take my helmet off.

After the fifth time of refusing, she finally rushed forward and took it off and gasped. "Kiara?!?! W-what?" she seemed shocked and I faked a smile.

"surprise..." I said and Elissa turned from shocked to angry in just a few seconds. "KIARA I TOLD YOU YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN THIS PARTY ANYMORE!!" she yelled at me and I felt like a disgrace.

I didn't know what else to do, so I ran to the arl in his room and he was surprised. "p-plz help me arl eamon I was the one who retrieved the urn of sacred ashes and cured you... And Elissa is after me because I'm different" I told him.

"you saved me? I'm very grateful for you then" he said with a smile before he turned to Elissa who quickly put on a happy face. "elissa, why are you trying to harm this girl she only wishes to help" he asked and I felt relieved that he was helping me.

"She's a demon arl... She should be killed!" Elissa told him which made him look at me. "is this true?" he asked and I sighed. "yes... But I'm only part demon... I'm more like my father, Duncan in form but I have my mothers demonic powers... Im not proud of them either... I just want to do my duty as a grey warden and end the blight..." i explained and the arl nodded.

"you are welcome to stay Kiara, I owe you for saving my life." arl eamon said and i smiled. "thank you" i replied. however... Elissa didn't take too well to the words and quickly tried to strangle me.

Alistairs P.O.V
I was watching the whole thing and when I saw Elissa try to strangle my girlfriend, she crossed the line. "hey hey hey Elissa that is not how we treat our fellow grey wardens!" i said and tried to pull her away.

Duncans P.O.V
I was not expecting Elissa to strangle my daughter. I knew Elissa didn't like Kiara from the very beginning since she was close with Alistair.

As a spirit, I cannot do anything to help my daughter no matter how badly I wanted to. I had to watch as my daughter was being strangled, my only hope was for Alistair to pull her away and save my daughter.

Finally Alistair was able to pull Elissa away from Kiara and I rushed to Kiara to make sure she was ok. But when I got to her, she was just barely breathing, trying to gasp for air.

I noticed that all Alistair, arl Eamon and Elissa could see was my daughters body floating and it made me chuckle to see their faces dumbfounded.

"dad...." i heard my daughter say and my attention turned to her quickly "i'm here my daughter" I reassured her. "i think i need to tell them how I can see you and cailan..." she whispered and I nodded, helping her up on her feet.

Kiaras P.O.V
When my dad helped me up on my feet, I looked at the others and sighed "guys... I'm able to see spirits... Being part demon, which means i can see Duncan" i confessed and everyone was shocked.

Cailan then appeared next to me and hugged me, making me smile. Eamon looked at me "if you see cailan... Could you tell him that Tegan and I miss him?" he asked and I nodded before I looked at Cailan and told him.

Cailan smiled "i miss you too uncle"he said and I looked at Elissa who was clearly still pissed that I was alive. Alistair came up to me and kissed me and I happily kissed back. "thank the maker you're ok Kiara... I thought I was gonna lose you..."

"don't worry mr royal bastard, you ain't losing me" i smirked and Alistair chuckled "mr Royal bastard?" he repeated and I grinned "if you don't like it then you're just gonna have to live with it!" i told him and he shook his head while smirking.

A/n: my apologies for not updating lately I've been playing dragon age a lot, trying to plan out how I'm gonna make the plot keep going... And i wanna try and continue my Harry potter x reader book but I haven't been able to watch Harry potter lately to help me come with ideas.. I have a huge writers block right now but i will try to update when i can~

His sweet girl| alistair x ocWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu