'Creepy little boy with creepy little powers'

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"Or what? Will you throw me out? Hit me? Lock me in the basement? Starve me? There's nothing you could do that I haven't already experienced!" Both Alfred and Bruce stared at Danny with an expression he could not understand. Not until he realized what he had revealed. He cursed his stupid mouth. Why could he not shut up? If nothing else, he knew neither Bruce or Alfred changed his clothes. "Who-"

"Jason." Bruce left the room without another word. Jason? 

"I shall bring your meal." Alfred followed after Bruce. Danny wanted to hit the shower but a knife stopped him in his tracks. 

"Peasant," with the simple remark, Damian disappeared. With one sigh he opened the bathroom door. Danny stepped into the bathroom, removing his t-shirt. He stared at the mirror, at the million scars running down his chest and back. He liked to think of them as battle scars, proof of what he had survived. Only one was his own doing, a reminder that even a hero could be weak. There was a story behind every scar and burn. Two stood out the most, GIW and Dan. Danny forced himself to look away as the nightmares flashed through his mind. He had to be strong. After his not so short shower, he called Sam but like always, she didn't pick up. Did they forget him? No one answered his calls or messages ever since he left Amity park. Throwing his phone to the side, he made his way to the living room. Tim gave him a small smile while Damian hissed. Danny sat on the couch, turning on the T.V.  He glanced at Tim who as always was on his laptop and Damian reading  a book. 

'What are you? A ghost trying to fit in with humans? Or some creepy little boy with creepy little powers?'

He tried to focus on anything but his thoughts. "How do you know if you're a monster?" He cursed his mouth. Why could he never remain silent?  Danny wanted to run out the room but perhaps it was his curiosity that kept him in his place. The room was silent for what felt like forever.

"You don't," Tim was the first to speak. Danny was sure he saw a flash of pain in his eyes.

"Ttt Grayson says you're not a monster until you believe you are one," Damian rolled his eyes, though his clenched hands and forced expression spoke another truth. It felt as if they understood. Like they weren't sure if they were one. But why? Danny had so many questions but he didn't want to break the new found peace. 

He was not a monster until he believed it. 

Easier said than done. 

"By the way, I'm your tutor," Tim flashed him a quick smile. Danny noted the calculating look in his eyes, along with the dark circles. 

"You and Your coffee?" Tim gave him a thumbs up, taking a sip of the said coffee. How was the boy even alive? "When's Jason coming ho- to the manor?" Tim tensed before shrugging.

"He comes and goes." Danny knew there was a story behind it. Just like why Mr. Grayson worked for the Bludhaven Police department. Why not Gotham? He would have to wait for the answers. "By the way, there's a letter for you," Tim handed him an envelope. Both Damian and Tim waited for him to open it. Danny smiled as he tore the envelope. Inside was a picture of Dani wearing a t-shirt with Puerto Rico written on it. 

"Who is she?" Danny wanted to slam his head in the wall. How could he be so careless? He couldn't say she was his sister or cousin. Perhaps it was his lucky day that Dani hadn't sent a picture of herself in human form. 

"A friend." Damian did not look convinced but continued to read his book. He had to be more careful. His life had only been a ride downhill but at least Dani was okay. Maybe he could ask her to visit Sam and Tucker. He turned his attention back to the T.V. He did not know what storm would come next but for now he could enjoy this small moment of peace and dream of traveling the world. 

Two more years

And then he could.


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Wow. Life suddenly picked up but I guess that happens during exam season. Anyways, I'm back. How's everyone doing. Well I hope.

 In this chapter, I put in three/four Danny Phantom characters (Do you remember them?). What's your favorite DP villain? Walker is a top one on my list with all his laws. 

I have been thinking, should I put in other points of views? Like Jason or Bruce? I was thinking of putting those in a side story. For this story, I only want it from Danny's perspective but I would like to show how his actions are affecting others without him knowing it. A side story to follow along with this one. What are your thoughts?



Be safe and happy winter!


Ghosts in GothamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora