Strangulation and Significant Others

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I made some tea in the kitchen and brought it out.

"Thanks." The client smiled at me.

The client was male, early 20's maybe. He seemed tense, and was shuddering.

He took a seat and Sherlock sat down too. I lied down on the sofa, and shut my eyes, keeoing my ears open.

"Let's get to it then." Sherlock said, after sipping his tea.

"I live with my friends and...last night...someone tried to kill me in my room, while I was having a cuppa." The client said.

"How did the person try to kill you?" Sherlock asked.

"Attempted strangulation..." I mumbled, opening my eyes.

Sherlock and the client stared at me.

"H-How did you...?" The client asked.

"The marks on your neck." Sherlock pointed out, and I nodded.

"Oh...right." He nodded awkwardly.

"We'll need to investigate at your place." Sherlock said, standing up.

"Uh...right, yea. Shall we get a cab there, now?" He asked, standing up.

"Yes." Sherlock said, putting his coat on.

I stood up and waited for them to put on their coats. I was still in my dress.

Sherlock handed me a coat like his own.

"I bought this for you when you weren't looking." He whispered.

"You didn't have to..." I smiled, putting it on. It fit perfectly.

"Of course I did..." He said, buttoning the jacket for me.

I giggled. Best gift ever.

"There." He smirked, after turning my coat collar up, like he does to his own coat when he's showing off.

We got into a cab with the client, to his place.

I rested my head on Sherlock's shoulder and shut my eyes.

"Do you love her?" The client asked Sherlock quietly, so that I wouldn't hear.

"Passionately." Sherlock replied.



I shifted slightly at the mention of my name.

"Wake up." Sherlock shook me gently.

I quickly opened my eyes and sat up.

We had arrived at the man's house. It was a fairly large abode.

I got out of the cab, still feeling a bit drowsy, as the client led the way to the entrance.

"Remember Y/ of them is a killer." Sherlock whispered taking my hand.

I nodded and yawned, not giving a damn. I just wanted to sleep.

"I didn't tell any of them that I was strangled, because if it was one of them they would leave." The client said, unlocking the door.

"Excellent." Sherlock walked in quickly, dragging me with him.

"Can we tell them that information if they ask who we are?" I asked.

"Yea, thats fine with me." The client shrugged, a bit hesitant after stepping into the house.

"I think you should leave. Get a hotel. I don't think it's safe for you to be here. The culprit could attempt to kill you again. I'll give you call when we find out who it is." Sherlock told him.

He nodded and quickly left.

"Poor guy. He must be scared shitless." I yawned, covering my mouth quickly afterwards.

Sherlocks eyes widened at my vulgar use of language.

"Sorry." I giggled.

He handed me a gun.

"We're gonna need to split up. Hide this in your jacket just in case. I'm going to interrogate the four other people who live here. I want you to search for any vital clues or evidence." He says.

"Got it." I nodded.

"If anything goes wrong, just yell my name, alright love?" He stares at me in the eyes.

"Alright." I nod again.

"I love you." He quickly kisses my forehead, before dashing off upstairs.

I smile at my pink cheeks and happily make my way over to the living room.

I put the gun away into my pocket and search the living room, finding nothing that seems vital.

I went into the kitchen afterwards and looked around. I opened the refrigerador and stared at a bucket of icecream blankly.

I want it.

I glanced around, checking to see that there was nobody around, before pulling it out and setting it on the counter. I got a spoon and began to eat some. Words cannot explain how satisfactory it was.

I need to inspect this icecream, to see if it can be used as a murder weapon...

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped in surprise, slipping backwards.

"This is the end of me!" I sqealed, my mouth full of icecream.

I felt strong arms catch me.

I stared into the eyes of the individual, swallowing the icecream that was in my mouth. He had hazel eyes, that glittered even in the dim light of the kitchen, as well as messy brown hair.

"Who are you?" He asked, with a confused facial expression, lifting me up so that I was back on my feet.

"I was hired with Sherlock Holmes to investigate the attempted strangulation of...some guy who lives here. I don't know his name." I said as I straightened my dress and jacket.

"Sherlock Holmes? That detective in the funny hat?" He asked.

I nodded and tried to hide the ice cream bucket and spoon by standing in front of it.

"If you were investigating, then why were you eating our icecream just now?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

" was...inspecting it! T-To see if it could be used as a murder weapon." I stuttered quickly, a grin plastered on my face.

He crossed his arms and stared at me intently, before bursting out into laughter.

"You're really cute." He said, patting my head.

"Thanks, but I've already got a significant other." I patted his head, before exiting the kitchen.

"Wait up!" He said, coming after me.

"What?" I asked.

"Is there any way I can be of help in tracking the...strangulator?" He asked.

"Nope. For all I know, it could be you. But I'll leave that sort of assumption to my significant other." I told him, before making my way upstairs.

Haunted Holmes ➳ Sherlock x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang