Chapter One

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I was pulled from my day dream, a bag was plopped a bit violently on the ground. I looked up, seeing a male and he was amazingly tall but my perspective may have been warped as I had my head on the desk, my ear on the cold oak. It was slowly warming up from my body heat though. He placed a blue monster can and a cup of Starbucks coffee on the table. I heard the aluminum can be placed on the desk, the noise traveling through wood and made a weird tap sound. He then proceeded to basically fall into the blue plastic chair. The ones you have in elementary school, once a girl got her hair so tangled in a metal piece of the chair, that the teacher had to cut her hair. I felt bad for her, but the others mostly laughed.

I sat up patting my hair not wanting it to be all over the place, watching him. He smelled like alcohol and his clothes were a mess. He was a massive mess. It was November, today was a nice fall day and it looked like he sloppily threw on a jacket. As it was inside out the seams showing. I couldn’t really see much as he looked down at the table seemingly blanking out. He had on a baseball cap, his white hair poking out from under it. Most likely to hide a ratty mess underneath.

He opened the energy drink and took the plastic lid off from the ice coffee. Which was half empty, and the ice cubes almost metaled. What made me confused was the fact that he dumped the monster energy drink into it. The clear liquid surged from the hole. He placed the Starbucks lid back on jabbing the green straw into its place.

“I’m going to die.”The white haired boy commented before chugging the drink.

          His nose scrunched up, and he let out a grunt. I would imagine the drinks didn’t fit well together but he proceeded to Finnish it all letting out a distasteful burp. I couldn’t help but snort and he turned to me acknowledging my presents. What evoked me is his eyes, such an electric blue but were washed over with tiredness. When I squinted a bit I could see closer to his purples where green and I couldn’t help but think they were alluring. 

I smiled at him and he just gave me a glance. then looked forward to the professor who was blissfully walking up to the stand with a notepad in hand. I hummed in annoyance, it was November first right after halloween. Last night I ate so much candy I had a very high sugar rush. My roommate zushi and kurapika had to chase me all around the apartment complex while leorio filmed it laughing his ass off. When they finally were able to throw me back into the apartment I had a sugar crash. Spending the rest of the night complaining.

The side effects were gone now, but it was an early morning class so I couldn’t help but be fatigued. Though I knew I would have been worse off if I had drank but I had instead ignored Leorio plees. The male who sat next to me basically reeked vodka. He most likely had eye bags but I couldn’t tell as his face was away from me. I wonder what he did last night? 

“You must have a bad hangover.” I said unintentionally.

He didn’t turn his gaze to me, “you have no idea.”

“I bet.”

I unzipped my backpack and grabbed my computer opening it up, luckily it’s charged. I opened a document titled history notes. And the professor cleared his throat, starting the lesson. He wasn’t one to dilly dally and just started the lecture of the bat which annoyed most people but I didn't care. I just typed what seemed important, enjoying the sound of the keys as I hit them to type out words. Though I couldn’t stop myself from peaking at the boy next to me. 

He had a couple pens sprawled on his desk, a used napkin and a notebook. He took handwritten notes which I didn’t understand. A computer was faster and more efficient. Yet the white haired boy wrote his notes with ease and precision even switching pens to underline some material here and there. Even though he reeked of alcohol and looked like garbage he took class seriously. Surprising me, I just assumed he would fall asleep but maybe the mixture of a monster energy drink and an iced coffee woke him up…

“Your jackets inside out by the way.” I whispered to him. 

He let out a hum and unzipped it, putting it on the right way, his cheeks a bit pink. He blinked picking up a black pen continuing listening to the teacher. Honestly I was only in this class because it was required, history made me bored to my utter core. Especially this class, his lectures were so hard to sit through. I swear he talks about the american revolution like leorio talks about women. Personally I will never understand why history excites people. (this is me i don’t like history. I can’t stand learning about the revolution like my word it's so boring I might explode.) My legs bounced and I spun and fidgeted a pencil in my fingers. But finally he announced the class was over after what seemed like a millenia, and I shut my computer letting out a hard exhale

“Hey what’s your name.” i said, turning to the boy who sat to my right curiously.

“Why?” he asked packing up his items his voice gravelly

“Oh well just curios.”

“Ugh my name's Killua.” 

He groaned in pain or maybe annoyance and heaved his backpack over his shoulder putting his other arm through the strap and walked out from the aile. He nodded his head to the teacher, shoving something into his ears. Most likely earbuds and made his way out of the classroom. I decided not to follow, even though everything told me to run to his side. Seeing as Killua was already annoyed, most likely feeling sick. I oddly sat there and watched as he walked out. I wanted to talk to him more, he seemed interesting. I mean who would've thought to combine coffee and an energy drink? I smiled in wonder, I guess I have another challenge.


Make sure to follow me so you know when the next chapter is coming out. Updates are frequent and constructive criticism is very much welcomed. I love comments and liking just shows me that you want more chapters. I won't ask for likes but but seeing comments and likes gives me more motivation.

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