Christmas bonus chapter

Start from the beginning

"Uh-huh, well, me and Changbin were just friends for years," Jisung said.

"Yeah, and all three of us were just friends for a year," Chan added.

"And we didn't even go on coffee dates every week like you two you do," Changbin joined in.

"Shut up," Felix mumbled, stuffing his phone back into his pocket. He stood up and joined the three as the door to the dance studio opened. They all turned to see Minho walking in, followed by Seungmin who looked significantly brighter than the moody boy in front of him. Minho's face only showed a flicker of emotion when he realised Jisung had worn the dress he requested, lips turning up in a slight smirk.

Chan's arms tightened around Jisung's waist, head leaning over his shoulder. He locked eyes with Minho before the latter looked away, making his way to the side of the room that everyone else wasn't on. Felix ran up to Seungmin and caught him in a hug before Minho could pull him along with him.

"Just kiss already," Minho groaned, flinging his bag onto the floor.

"Someones jealous," Changbin whispered to his boyfriends. Minho didn't hear, but the chuckle that passed through the three made him look up. He glared when he noticed the three were staring at him.

"If you want me to teach you this fucking dance, line up," Minho said, eyes shooting fire at every single person in the room. Chan's arms fell from around Jisung's waist. Seungmin and Felix broke their hug and everyone rushed into a horizontal line, facing the front of the room where Minho was. He looked down at his phone, scrolling through his music and muttering something about hating Christmas music. "Ok," he said when he found the song, "I learned this dance in like five minutes so please, for the love of God, don't be awful and take up my whole day."

"Can we see a demonstration first?" Jisung asked, batting his eyelashes, "I forgot how it goes."

Everyone in the room turned to look at him, either narrowing their eyes or raising an eyebrow. Minho fell into the first category. "You forgot how the dance from Mean Girls goes? Don't you watch it like...five times a day or something?"

"Well, how do we know you can actually do it?" Jisung retorted. Minho's eyes seemed to burn holes through his body.

"Fine. You can have a fucking demonstration," Minho said, walking over to the speaker and connecting his phone to it. He pressed play on the music and soon got into position for the start of the dance. When he started the first few moves, Jisung couldn't help but grin. He executed them with skill and Jisung almost thought he was better than The Plastics. He giggled when the music came to a stop, everyone else more nonchalant about the dance they'd witnessed than him. "Happy?" Minho asked.

"Perfectly!" Jisung grinned, hands clasping together.

"Great. Everyone get into a straight line again."


"Three hours later and you've finally got it," Minho commented, watching as the line of boys in front of him let out heavy breaths, a few of them wiping sweat from their forehead. He grinned when he locked eyes with Jisung who had perfected the dance from the start and barely broke a sweat the entire time. Everyone else had struggled at Minho's hand.

"Brilliant," Chan mumbled, hunched over with his hands on his knees, "now we can all embarrass ourselves at the nonexistent Christmas talent show."

"We could film ourselves dancing to it tomorrow. Send it to one of those k-pop companies," Jisung teased. Everyone in the room sent him a little glare, even Felix who had previously wanted to learn the dance. Minho was the only one who didn't, walking over to the opposite corner of the room to everyone else and sitting down beside his bag.

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