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Currently playing... Regina George (Kyunchi, That Kid, Ashley Erotica).


Changbin and Chan couldn't find Jisung when they went back inside. Another search started, this time for a boy who couldn't handle being alone in large crowds very well. By the time midnight rolled around, Jisung was still missing and Changbin was pacing back and forth near Minho's front door, panic clear on his face.

"He's not anywhere. Oh my god, what if something bad happened to him? What if he walked home alone? Fuck, he could be anywhere," Changbin rambled, digging his phone out of his pocket for the hundredth time. His hands shook as he dialled his number again.

"I'm sure he's fine," Chan lied. He didn't know if Jisung was ok either and he was panicking too, but Changbin was close to tears and Changbin rarely cried. "We haven't seen Felix either. They're probably together. I'll call him."

Changbin continued to pace backwards and forwards in the hallway. People were still gathered around, talking at the top of their voices to be heard over the loud hip-hop music. Changbin could barely hear when the call went to voicemail. When he did he groaned, a string of swear words leaving his mouth.

Chan had more luck with his phonecall. It took a minute, but finally, Felix picked up. Chan stepped outside the door so he could hear him better, onto the porch where teenagers could still be seen on the front lawn. Barely anyone had gone home yet, but they were all getting more drunk. "Hey! Lix, are you with Jisung? Me and Changbin have been looking everywhere for him."

"Yeah, he's with me," Felix answered, his voice hushed as if he didn't want somebody to overhear him. "He's really upset though. We're in the downstairs bathroom if you want to come and see him."

"Thank you so much," Chan said. He ended the call and rushed back inside to see Changbin still pacing. He reached for his hand, intertwined their fingers. "He's with Felix. They're in the downstairs bathroom. He's ok."

"Oh thank god," Changbin breathed out, eyes closing as he leaned his head against Chan's chest, wrapping an arm around his waist. He pulled away merely a second later. "Come on, we have to go and see him."

Chan let Changbin lead him in the direction of the downstairs bathroom. He was a bit slower, a step behind despite their hands being together. He couldn't help but feel guilty. He was the reason Jisung was upset, crying even. As Changbin knocked on the locked door, Chan dropped his head to the floor. It was opened by Felix and the two boys were allowed inside the dimly lit room.

The room wasn't very big. It was under the stairs so the ceiling was at an angle, making the room almost a triangle shape. A sink was built into cabinets on the right-hand side where the wall didn't slant. A mirror was above them and besides the toilet, the room was just white tiles and walls with plants scattered around in pink pots. Jisung was sitting on top of one of the cabinets, beside the sink. He still had his wig on, but his eyeliner had smudged and his lipgloss was gone. He sat with his legs dangled over the sides, hands clutched together in his lap.

"Jisung," Changbin exclaimed, running towards him. Jisung jumped off the counter, jumping into his arms and burying his head against his neck. "Baby, I was so worried. You didn't answer your phone and you just ran off."

"I'm sorry," Jisung mumbled, arms tightening around Changbin's waist. He was starting to cry again, eyes welling with tears. "It's on silent. I didn't know."

"It's ok," Changbin said, holding Jisung as close as he physically could, pressing soft kisses to the top of Jisung's head, side of his face and the nape of his neck. "I'm just so happy you're ok."

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