"Hello everyone! My name is Luna Lovegood, I sent you the invites. Most of you know me as Looney Lovegood from Ravenclaw but for those of you who don't know me, that's what I'm referred too. Draco and Harry asked me to plan their wedding and I was so honoured that they asked. Not because I got to plan the 'Savior of the Wizarding World's' wedding, but because they wanted me, the girl who didn't dress or act the same as everyone else, who was seen as odd. I love who I am and to be chosen by Harry and Draco to plan one of the most special days of their lives, made me so happy. Food will be served and don't worry, there will be dancing. But first I want to go around and have everyone share why Harry and Draco are important to them. I'll start. Earlier I referred to Harry as the 'Savior'. To be honest, I don't see him that way. Not because I don't believe he saved the world, but because he's just Harry. He is my best friend. One of my first friends, one of the first people to talk to me. He went through some hard times and he came to me for help. Him becoming my friend led others to become my friends as well. If it weren't for Harry, I wouldn't be dating Neville right now. He is very important to me and I feel blessed that I get to be here today. Next, Draco. Many people don't know this but Draco and I were actually friends during school. Draco had friends, but they were all Slytherins. He had a lot going on in his life and didn't want to be a burden to those Slytherin friends. One day I found him crying, and I hugged him and that was it, we became friends. This was during seventh year. A lot of people didn't like him. Maybe you didn't like his father, the act he put on for his father's sake. But if any of you took time to get to know the real Draco, you'd love him as much as I do. I'm so grateful that Draco and I became friends because he's actually one of the most thoughtful people I know, he's got a great sense of humour too. I'm so happy for you two and I dearly hope neither of you comes across any Weetimorousbeasties in your lifetime, I've heard they can be quite the nuisance. How about your best men go next? Ron?"

Ron nervously chuckled. "Sure, thanks Luna. I'm Ron Weasley. I'm sure you all know me, I'm Harry's best mate. We go way back and there are probably a million things I could say about him, but due to the fact we don't have a year, I'll keep it moderately short. Harry, I love you mate. We've been through so much together and I'm proud to call you my friend. I'd even go as far as calling you my brother because you are, you've become my brother. I'm supposed to say why you're important to me but the truth is it's a pretty tough question to answer. Why are you important to me? The better question is how aren't you? What I mean is that you are one of the most important people in my life. I'm very happy for you today, and not just because I won't have to listen to you talk about Draco anymore. Draco, you've got a good one, don't let him go. You're a great guy too. You're very funny, you make the best food. You make Harry happy and that's what matters most. I'm glad we're friends. But treat him well, you've been warned." Harry glared at Ron and whispered in Draco's ear. "I'll get him to apologize later."

"I guess that means I'm next. So, I'm Blaise Zabini, Draco's best man. I'm presuming that means I'm his best mate. If you think about it, wouldn't his best man be Harry? Sorry in advance if I joke around, I'm better at just being present rather than actually saying anything. I'm great at posing. Anyways, Draco's the man, he's a great friend. Trust me he loves Harry, a lot. Like Ron, I'm glad I don't have to listen to anymore Potter talk. Not that I have anything against you Harry. You're a pretty cool guy and you make Draco happy. Congratulations guys."

"I'd like to go next. Nice job by the way Blaise. So you all know me, I'm Hermione Granger. Like Ron, Harry and I go way back. I'd like to take a moment to recognize Draco. Being Harry Potter's husband, that's a big deal. I wish you both a wonderful marriage. Harry, hmm let's see. It's hard finding just one reason you're important to me. I'll say that ever since Harry and Ron saved me from the mountain troll, they have been the most important people in my life. I'm so happy for you Harry. Draco, I was sceptical at first, you made fun of me all the time. But as soon as you said you support my run for Minister of Magic, I've gotten to know the real you. And the real you... is great. Draco, you're important to me because you saved Harry. You saved my best friend and I'll be forever grateful. I love that you're my friend and I'm truly very happy for you."

"My turn! I'm Pansy Parkinson, the best Slytherin. Dray's my best friend. I love him. I fainted when these two showed me their rings. I'm very protective of Dray but when it came to him and Harry, I took a step back. Harry came to me, wanting to write an article about Dray and I knew that he liked him. I've wanted to scheme and make it happen, they both liked each other for eleven years, it was about time. But I didn't and look where we are. I'm very very very happy for you guys. Dray, you've always been there for me and I love you, no hetero. That's not meant to offend, it's a joke we have. Harry, Dray loves you, you're a great friend and you better treat him right." Harry nodded. Draco saw panic on Harry's face. "She won't hurt you. She's just being Pansy. I love you. Yes homo." He kissed Harry's forehead.

"Ok, I'm Neville Longbottom. I'm not sure quite what to say. Harry, you're a great friend, I can always count on you. I'm very happy for you. And Malf- Draco, we have a rough past but you've changed. You make Harry so happy. Welcome to the group."

"I was supposed to marry Harry Potter! Ha! Look at your faces. Calm down, it's a joke. He's like a brother to me. I'm Ginny Weasly by the way. This may be a little controversial but you guys are honestly the cutest couple and I'm so happy you're finally married. Harry, you're my favourite brother and you'll always have a special place in my heart. Draco, you're actually ok. I'm glad we're friends. Cheers."

"Hi! I Teddy Lupin. Harry my godfather and Draky my cousin. They the two favourite people in the world. I love them. Happy love and kiss day! Gramma says it called this a wedding. I don't know if I believe her." Teddy ran up and gave Harry and Draco a hug. The two boys smiled.

"May I go next? I'm Narcissa Black-Malfoy, Draco's mother and to be quite real with you, today might just be the happiest day of my life. My son, marrying the man he loves. It was in this very spot that Draco ran out of Madam Malkin's eleven years ago to tell me that he had just met a really beautiful boy. It was hard for him, growing up with Lucius as a father. He wasn't allowed to like boys, he definitely wasn't allowed to like Harry. Lucius told Draco to befriend Harry so that he could kill him but that was before Draco knew that Harry was the boy from the robe shop. I remember him telling me about how he couldn't let his father hurt him. He told me that Harry wouldn't be his friend and that it was really hurtful to him. He complained about Harry's friends, they got to be with him, why couldn't he? But correct me if I'm wrong, Harry also met the most beautiful boy in this robe shop, he just didn't know who to tell. He wanted to be Draco's friend too. I've seen these boys through some pretty tough times but one thing that stayed consistent was that they always loved each other. You may see me as a bad woman, but I lied to the Dark Lord and told him that Harry was dead. I did it for Draco, yes, but a bad woman wouldn't do that. You may see my son as a bad person. He's not. He's nothing like his father. Harry he has always loved you. Just remember that. Why are you two special to me? You're my boys. Draco, I love you darling, I'm so sorry about what your father put you through. You are the most special person in my life. And Harry, I didn't meet you properly until after the war but I felt like I knew you before then. You're practically all I heard about. I'm so happy for the two of you. I love you both so much. I know you'll both be very happy together."

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