Chapter 3

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3rd person

Min Yoongi and Kim Jennie didn't talk to each other until days after their short conversation in the lounge room.

The two would occasionally glance up to look at each other and make eye contact once in a while like meeting in the lounge room, walking past each other in the hallways, watching other idols practice and so on.

Their members notice this of course but didn't make much of it because they all know nothing good will come out with two idols of opposite genders.

Especially one from YG and Big Hit.

Especially a member from Blackpink and Bangtan.

Yoongi would spend his time napping in between practice but instead of getting sleep, his mind is filled with worry and concern, not for himself, but for one named Kim Jennie.

He often thinks about what she's doing, if she's eating right, if she still cries to herself in that old janitor's closet, or if she's smiling right now.

His members had also started a new hobby, to tease him about girls, more specifically Kim Jennie.

The maknae line is usually the one causing trouble and frustrating Yoongi to the point that the rapper would run and chase the three down the hallways, practice room, and stages they would practice on.

The other members would laugh and stare at the four chasing each other and running around the room like children.

Today is their last day of practice and tomorrow will be performing in front of people on stage.

As usual, Yoongi has started a habit of walking around the building to try and catch a glimpse of said girl or maybe hear her voice again.

But for the last couple days, he failed.

For some reason, he didn't see her as often as he used to and it's driving him insane.

He even got to the point where he sneaked out of practice to check the janitor's closet for it to be empty.

Yoongi took a deep breath as he finished walking around the building for the third time and finally decided to give up looking for the girl.

But just as he was about to walk back to where his members were waiting for their manager to come pick them up cause they just finished practicing, someone bumped into him.

The girl tripped to the ground but before Yoongi could even help her up, she already stood up from the floor and ran again without a word.

Yoongi would usually ignore these kinds of interactions but just by looking at the girl, he knew exactly who it was and by the looks of it, the girl was running away while sobbing into her hands.

He got to his feet and immediately followed the girl and arrived in front of the door to the emergency exit and stairwell nobody uses.

His assumptions were correct when he could hear the echoes of Jennie's sobs from the other side of the door right in front of him.

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