The confessions

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An extra

Jennie Kim and Min Yoongi's confession
Their confession to their members

3rd person

Everything changed.
The two groups, Blackpink and Bangtan, decided to talk about what happened at the day of the award show days later where they can meet up in secret.
Without the knowledge of their companies or the public eye.
The two groups decided to meet up at the same place where Yoongi had brought Jennie at one of their clothes exchanges.
Jennie took a deep breath and exhaled loudly as soon as she arrived at the meeting place they all agreed on. The place was very nostalgic as this is the place where she realized her feelings for a certain member of Bangtan.
"You're here."
Her eyes looked around to find the familiar voice.
Min Yoongi is standing by the tables and seats. He looked good, a casual outfit that would still catch anyone's eye, somewhat messy hair, and a beautiful gummy smile plastered on his face.
Jennie could fall for him all over again.
She walked over to him and smiled back, "Hi."
Yoongi pointed at one of the empty seats and they both sat down in silence.
There wasn't any awkward silence, it was comfortable, having each other in close proximity makes it more comfortable.
"Your members?" Yoongi asked her.
Jennie shrugged, "They're still on their way. I told them I wanted to talk to you first."
The same comfortable silence visited them again as they stared at the wonderful view in front of them. Their positions overlooking the whole park.
Their eyes focused on the view as the peaceful silence presented itself. It was calming. Yoongi's presence is calming.
"Jennie," He called and his hand lightly touched hers. 
"I need to tell you something."
Jennie's heartbeat quickened at what he said. "I have something to tell you too."
"Do you want to go first?" He asked, his heartbeat speeding up as well.
Jennie immediately shook her head, "You could go first."
Yoongi sighed and smiled, "Yeah, I think I should or else I'll probably die out of a heart attack."
The female giggled. Yoongi stared at her feline-like eyes,  mesmerized at how each and every part of Jennie is beautiful.
"Jennie, I like you."
Her heart stopped.
Yoongi continued, "Being an idol, I knew it would be hard to find a person like you. I always thought that our fans and my members were the source of my happiness but I always felt like something was missing."
He takes both of her hands into his and faces her.
"I like you, I like like you, Jennie Kim." He confessed, his voice filled with sincerity.
 "You are the last piece to my puzzle, the last track to my album, and the one who completes me. You may not feel the same way about me and it's okay. I just want to tell you how much you mean to me, even though we may stay as friends."
Yoongi had finished and Jennie could not speak. She wanted to tell him that she feels the same way too but no words came out of her mouth.
The rapper had a disappointed look in his eyes but he still managed to smile.
"It's okay, I'm just happy that I finally told yo—"
She cuts him off by pressing her lips to his. Silencing and startling him.
Yoongi's eyes widened and he stared at her in shock as they separated from the kiss. His heart was empty from the separation.
"I like you too," She said, grinning. "I like like like you, Min Yoongi."
Yoongi could die right then and there. Jennie feels the same way about him and he couldn't have asked for anything better than this.
"C-can I kiss you again?" Yoongi asked, trying hard not to scream or dance out of the happiness that he's feeling.
Jennie giggled but nodded.
The two shared another kiss, much more intimate than just a peck on the lips.
They say when you have shared your first kiss with the person that you love, you can hear fireworks in the background, but they both didn't.
But they didn't care. Fireworks or not, they both felt a surge of happiness in their hearts.
Yoongi cupped her face as he pulled her closer to him and Jennie placed her hands on his shoulders for support.
"Ah, so there you guys are."
Jennie and Yoongi immediately separated from each other as soon as another voice spoke right behind them.
"Taehyung?!" Yoongi exclaimed. "What the hell?! Why didn't you guys tell us that you were already here?!"
All nine of their members laughed and snickered at his outburst.
"Sorry hyung," Jimin laughed. "We didn't want to ruin your moment."
Jennie and Yoongi sighed and smiled at each other as their members began to take their seats around the table.
"So, I take it that you two are official now?" Jisoo asked.
Lisa rolled her eyes, "Wasn't it obvious, unnie?"
"Well," Namjoon sighed. "We're all here to listen to your explanations, right? Like everything that had happened from the first day you two met and stuff."
"Right," Jennie nodded and glanced at Yoongi, he glanced back.
The two began to tell the story.
From when Yoongi found Jennie in that janitor's closet, to the day he comforted her again in the emergency exit. They told them everything and every single detail they could remember.
"Wait!" Jin yelled. "Lisa and Jungkook are together?!"
Everyone's eyes turned from Bangtan's maknae to Blackpink's maknae who were both smiling innocently to their members.
"Surprise?" Lisa smiled awkwardly.
They told them about Blackpink's manager and how he's treating Jennie. Everyone decided that they would help her in any way they can.
Namjoon is already planning on a way to get the girls' manager in prison.
They told them about how they would exchange clothes because it helps Jennie calm down with Yoongi's scent.
"Oh!" Jimin exclaimed. "So that's why I saw Jennie with Yoongi hyung's jacket."
"And that perfume that Jungkook gave Yoongi oppa as a gift was also on the jacket unnie wore," Lisa added.
They continued to tell their story, their journey. 
As soon as they finished, everyone's questions seemed to have been answered by Jennie and Yoongi's story.
"The world is going to have a field day when they find out about our groups."
Everyone laughed at this.
Yoongi sighed, staring at his members, his new found friends, and his girlfriend.
'Happiness comes knocking at your door when you least expected,' He thought.
Under the table, he takes Jennie's hand into his. Their fingers intertwined with each other's and Yoongi could not have asked anything more than this.

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