4 - (y/n) the unpaid Therapist

Start from the beginning

"Can't talk about it if I don't know about it." He chuckled, ignoring that issue. I see why she comes to me to talk. "Besides, nobody can't fix a dead marriage."

"I see why it died." I, bluntly, said, rolling my eyes.

"What was that, love?" He stood close to me with a twitchy grin. He looked down at me, annoyed that I knew the issues of his marriage.

"Oh, nothing but I suggest you go talk to her. You can't stay in a marriage that is dead. One day one of you is going to have enough of being trapped in a loveless marriage and cheat." I told him what I thought. This angered him. Oh sight of those heated blue eyes of his. It makes me feel better, knowing I can get under his skin.

"Henry, tell her that it is none of her business what my marriage is like." William turned to Henry, who had already finished the coffee table.

"(Y/n), be careful what you say about someone's personal life." Henry politely told me, trying not to upset me nor make the issue worse. "Will, She is somehow right. Take it as a best friend concern, I don't want to see you get your heart broken. It will make me sad to see you heartbroken if anything bad happened."

"I know." William sighed, flopping on the couch, looking down. "I still love her, I don't want to let go of her." I listened and sat next to him, Henry sat on the other side of him.

"Well, tell me why you married her and we will help you fix your marriage." I smiled, dying inside. This week is so fucking shitty, why can't they work this out by communicating to each other.  

"how she made me feel, how kind and loving she is. She made me feel whole like I am sane, loved and wanted." he looked at me. I also wish I was wanted but when I am it because they want a free therapist. "We have great sex, We are talking about stuff but it is empty talk. It meaningless talks about bills, the children, the news and other meaningless stuff. Otherwise it is silent. She is too busy dealing with the children to even notice me when she does, I have stuff to do. medical bills from the accident started arguments. The funeral costs. Even whose fault it is starts an argument. She doesn't listen to anything I tell her. I am afraid that I will lose my temper with her again. I don't want to accidently hurt her for some stupid meaningless arguments. She regards my feelings as if I have none. I need her to keep me sane." Tears formed in his eyes as pain filled his watery blue eyes. What a mess, I am now a unpaid couple council. Should I fix the hell of marriage or help them? Seeing him so upset made me feel bad, I must help him.

"The stress of the loss of your son is weighing heavy on both of you. Who cares who is to blame, You need her as much as she needs you. You both are at each other's throats because you are both hurting and you both take grief differently. You need to have a day with her and try to rekindle whatever is left before you get emotionally hurt. weekend at home with your wife, talk and have fun. Relax. Henry and I  will deal with everything else and your children."  I rubbed his back gently, not wanting to seem like I was trying anything weird.

"(y/n), is correct, you need a break and relax with your wife. Don't worry about work. Take the weekend off. I can deal with everything and (y/n) can look after Elizabeth and Michael. I hope things get better." Henry smiled at his best friend.

"Thank you." There was silence that filled the room. Almost as if nothing

"This got depressing every quick?"

"Agreed. I am surprised you had a heart to care." William laughed.

"You wish, I cared about you." I, playfully, rolled my eyes.

"We should celebrate." Henry smiled.

"About what?"  I asked, confused why we should. It isn't like anything big happened.

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