The suprise visit

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Today's the weekend and so far I'm bored out of my mind right now I'm jut watching some movies right now with Abby which reminds me you need popcorn and candy for movies so I go pop some popcorn and then the doorbell rings and Jim's at the door he seems shocked I live here and I'm shocked he's here. "What are you doing here?" I asked with a tint of annoyance and a bit of confusion.
"My truck broke down." He said explained. I went outside and checked and I see that there's smoke coming out from under the hood of his truck. "I'll go get my dad" I said
"Will you stay with me though."
"Sure." I said even though I thought it's kinda weird, I went to get my dad and he helps Jim 
"you know u
Your not as uptight as I thought you were." He said
"Thank you?" I said but it sounded more like a question than a thank you. As he left I said "See ya I guess," Then I go back inside.
"Who was that?" She asked
"Jim." I replied
"Hmmm." She said and I thought 'what a weird day' Then I watched tangled and fell asleep with Abby and dreamt I met a panda and a monkey in the woods with a talking unicorn! I woke up to people laughing and Abby licking me and I get up and see my friend dawn and Kyle sitting on my couch I say wazzup but they wouldn't talk to me and then everything started changing and spongebob was on my couch and chocolate chips were all over I started screaming and then woke up that was so strange.

Plz plz tell me what u think and give me some suggestions.

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