Sophies bad day

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I get up and do my thing the usual shower dress and brush my teeth then I put on a shirt that says 50 then some plain jeans, then I grab my headphones and phone and run out the door. I go to the bus stop and wait but no one else is here so I look at my phone and it's later then I expected I'm late!!! So I grab my stuff I don't bother going home my mom and dad wouldn't drive me there I bet the were the ones to pull this little stunt anyway so I ran as fast as I can, then when I get to school I'm soooo late so I get a pass, go to my locker and then go into class with my hair a mess from running I look up and people are trying not to laugh and the teacher starts yelling at me for being a "disruption" to the class it's not like they were listening anyway but I say "sorry" anyway and go to my desk and just then my tiredness catches up and I fall asleep then wake up to whispers and a mean cold voice Miss.smith I thought just then she started yelling at me for sleeping then brought up I was late then said pull your act together coals and she hands me a detention slip. Next is la but before I get there Sabrina turns me around and starts taking to me about why was I late and stuff and I was sick of talking about it so I yelled at her then apologized but she said whatever and I said great now where fighting and we both hold big grudges so this will be fun (note the sarcasm) and then I get into class and guess what I made it right before the bell rang but even though I was here on time Miss.bells yelled at me and I just lost it and screamed "WHY IS EVERYONE YELLING AT ME!!!!!!" And everyone gasped and I just left and went behind the school and cried until Miss.bells come out and asked "What's wrong" I muttered
"Nothing" but she said nonsense I said "Leave me alone" but she said no and called for a teacher to come get me and they came and grabbed me and took me to the principles office and he called my parents, and my parents weren't happy they took me home, yelled at me and kept asking,
"What's wrong with you?" and I just said
"I don't know "then I went to my room and didn't talk for the rest of the day, I didn't even eat.

My poor poor Sophie what a horrible day!!! But will her future be even worse then this?

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