What the heck

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Since yesterday's fight with my parents I quickly and quietly got dressed then I want outside my window and climbed down the tree and I want down the sidewalk yelling "FREEDOM!!!!" And then I just started thinking about yesterday and I got sad all over again but then I bumped into someone from my school I think her name is Hayley I started to talk to her and soon we were at school I said "what class do you have she said same as you" I said SINCE WHEN?!" She said "since ever" and I said "nope" because I wasn't in school as a baby and if you were, that's just weird haven't you ever heard of YOLO! She said "really, really" I said "yup" like what the popcorn she should LIVE LIVE DARN U LIVE! Lol like Frankenstein I thought yup that's funny so anyway we walk to my locker then hers and we go to class and I tell her to sit by me she does and we just talk and then the EVIL TEACHER!!! Calls me and I say "what?" She said solve this math problem I said ok then looked up and I thought "what the f**k is this" and apparently I said it out loud because then she starts yelling at me saying "not to cuss and, to go straight to the office" I play dumb and say "what cuss word?" She said "oh you know what you said" is I said "not really" and then we just argue about it again and I quickly press record on my phone and then ask her my question "what cuss word?"bAnd guess what she said "you said F**K YOU IDIOT!!!" I just laughed and said "no you did" then I replayed the recording and her face got so white I thought she was a ghost and then I ran out of the room with her behind me I said "hey" to the secretary and ran into the principles office I said "I have something to show you or should I say have you listen 2" and so I play it and he looks at my teacher and just smirks that's right he hates her 2 so right after I showed him the recording he FIRED THAT B**CH FINALLY!!! And he announced the news to the entire school and then we celebrated her leaving it was so fun, and then because we have a awesome principle we got the REST OF THE DAY OFF!!! But now I have to go home just great *sigh* once I'm home I go through the front door and see my dad with some woman in the couch making out I take a picture then yell at him and tell him he's a horrible father and a horrible husband and I slap the girl with him and then I see a ring on her finger and say really your with a married woman IDIOT!!!! And guess what he says "no we're getting married" I say "IDIOT!!! Your married to my mom" he said "no we got a divorce but we stayed together for you but we can't take it anymore so I asked your mom to leave and she left while you were gone" I just yelled "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THIS!!!" Then he said "she's gonna move in with us" and i finally looked at the lady and she seems so mean I have a feeling I'm gonna be Cinderella now great I run up stairs crying and crying why is life so UNFAIR!!!! I punch my wall and make a dent I didn't even feel that I need pain I thought so I go to my bathroom and lock it and make five cuts on my arms and then I just cry and cut some more I turn on the shower and just sit there until I pass out.

My poor poor Sophie what's gonna happen now are they gonna find her before it's 2 late are will this be the END!!!

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