April 14, 1912

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The next morning, I woke up around nine a.m. When I opened my eyes, I found my shirt and my pants lying on the floor. I stretched my arms and my legs and looked around in the cabin. I noticed that Harold wasn't there, he probably already went to his shift. I sat upright and picked my clothes up from the floor. I put them on and searched for my shoes which laid near the door. I also put them on and picked my jacket from the chair. Once again, I looked through the room and noticed a small piece of paper on the nightstand. And he also picked up the drawing which I threw from the bed last night. I picked up the note and read it.

Good Morning, beautiful.

I hope you're good. My shift starts in a couple of minutes, that's why you'll wake up without me. Maybe you'll come to the deck when you're up.


I wanted to go to the deck and see him, but I decided that I'll first go to breakfast, maybe I'll meet Jack there. I slowly opened the door and stuck my head out to make sure nobody would see me. I believe it wouldn't matter if somebody would see me, but I really don't want to explain anything to one of the officers or worse, the captain himself. So, I looked around and quickly sneaked out of the cabin and ran to the deck.

Nobody saw me so I could calmly go down to G-Deck. When I entered the dining room, all the mess from last night was cleaned up and some breakfast was on a long wooden table. I spotted Fabrizio, Helga, Tommy, and Jack at a table and joined them.

"Morning, guys", I greeted them.

"Morning, Kathy", the men said, Helga said nothing – it didn't bother me.

I sat down next to Jack and stole his bread. "Hey!", he said, but I already took a bite and grinned at him.

"You are so mean!", he said.

I shrugged. "How's Rose?"

"Rose? – I don't know. Yesterday she was fine but then she went to first-class and I haven't seen her since then. But I got to talk to her today."

I nodded and continued eating.


"Yes, Jack?"

"Where have you been last night?"

Oh god. I totally forgot that Jack would notice if I wouldn't come back. I must find a good excuse, fast. But not one will pop into my head. My head was full of – of last night with Harold. If Jack could read my mind – no, I don't even want to imagine what would happen if he could.

"Kathy, where have you been?", he asked again and I noticed, that Fabrizio and Tommy – oh, even Helga – were looking at me.

"I- I slept on a bench. Outside." Wow, how believable. Just look away from the fact that it was freezing outside last night.

"I do not believe you, young lady", Jack said.

"Okay, I was with – uhm – with-"

"Let me guess, you were with that officer", Jack said.

"What! No, I was not – I was. You're right, I was with him. So?"

Jack started smiling, no, he grinned and short after he broke out in a loud laugh. "Why did I even ask?! I- After I saw you with that guy after dinner, I exactly knew where you were going after Rose, you and I left the party."

"So, you knew?"

"Of course. You're my sister, I know you better than anybody else", he said chuckling.

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