April 15, 1912

715 17 6

Nobody heard us. Nobody came to help us. We were desperate. We will die in here; we'll freeze to death, or we'll drown. One of those two options would happen, that was a certainty. Jack tried to pull his hands out of the handcuffs, which is impossible. The longer he tried the more it hurt. I got exhausted of screaming and trying to break down the water pipe, so I was half standing, half sitting – actually just hanging – there.

"Don't give up now, Kathy!", Jack said.

I shook my head, tears filling my eyes. "Jack, look", I said quiet and nodded to the door. He turned around and saw the water flowing in under the door. "SHIT!"

When the water got higher, Jack climbed on the wooden desk, still trying to break the water pipe, while was crouching down, my shoulders hurting and my legs getting wetter and wetter. By time only my upper body was dry.

"KATHY!", Jack yelled. "PLEASE! STAND UP!"

I looked at him with tired, tear filled eyes. Why get up now? We won't make it out of here anyways, I gave up my faith. I won't ever see him again and he'll live with constant guilt, asking himself if I died a slow, painful death or a fast, painless death. I couldn't leave him. Not like that, not yet. For the first time in my life, I've been truly happy, and I won't let this happiness drown. Not today. So, I stood up. With the last strength I had left I pulled myself to my feet. As soon as I was out of the water, standing on a chair, I got my consciousness fully back. And again, we tried to get out of our misery.

We were about to finally give up when we heard someone scream. We looked at each other, both being convinced we started hallucinating. But then we heard it again. "JACK!"

We looked at each other, both knowing what the other one was thinking: Rose. She was there, searching for him. For us.

"ROSE!", we both screamed.

"JACK! KATHY!", she screamed.




And then the door opened, and Rose stormed in. Finally. "Jack! I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry", she said desperately and kissed him. She didn't even notice me anymore, but that was okay. I smiled at the pair, kissing and hugging each other and him explaining to her, that Lovejoy put the diamond necklace in his pocket. I still didn't know what this whole stealing thing was about, but I didn't care anymore. Rose was here to rescue us, and we'll get off this ship alive.

"I hate to step on your moment, but we have to get out of here", I said, "Rose, you're gonna have to find a spare key, all right? Look in that cabinet right there." She jumped to the cabinet. "It's a little, silver one, Rose", Jack said. She looked through the keys, but those only were brass ones.

"Check right there, Rose", Jack said and pointed to the desk. "Rose."


"How did you find out I didn't do it?", he asked her.

"I didn't. I just realized I already knew."

The next two seconds they were just looking at each other. "Rose, keep looking", I said, so she did.

"No key!", she yelled, "There's no key!"

"All right, Rose, listen", Jack said. "You're gonna have to go find some help. It'll be all right."

She took a few deep breaths before she went over to Jack and kissed him. "I'll be right back." Then she half swam half waded out of the room.

what i never talked aboutTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang