Chapter 16

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          The Sun drifted above us and further towards the horizon again as it neared late afternoon. My head rested on Jug's lap as my back had begun to ache against the harsh tree bark. His soft hand stroked my hair gingerly, gently pushing strands aside when they fell onto my cheek before continuing to fiddle with it. We just rested there, our breathing harmonizing with the birds that chirped about and the susurration as the wind blew through the grass.
           As the day went by, it also got warmer, the Sun's rays beaming faintly and sparingly. Mine and Jug's jackets had been removed, both folded and placed onto his lap as cushion for my head. My eyelids fluttered open and closed as I fought myself to stay conscious, and though I faced away from Jug, he had a wicked sense.
           "You tired, Betts?", he whispered, his fingers running along my forehead and back into my hair like they had before. I shook my head deniably, though my lungs began to take heavier breaths.
           "You don't have to lie. You can sleep. Nobody is going to judge you for it, you know, and me least of all. Rest. You deserve it.". His hand shoved aside the empty picnic basket that we'd devoured the contents of around noon, setting it on the other side of the tree before pulling my back further towards him. I sat up and I turned to face him silently, no words or messages exchanged with our mouths or eyes from either of us. We just watched each other peacefully for a moment. I observed his subtle glints in his eyes and the way his lip quivered ever so slightly when he scanned over the different aspects of my own face.
          I stood up, holding my hand out in front of his face when he attempted to join me. I placed myself down onto his lap, placing my head onto his shoulder, my arms snaking around his neck and hugging it firmly. His breath hitched ever so slightly when I nestled my face further into his neck, his hands settling on the small of my back before sliding around my torso to hold me closer.
          He cleared his throat subduedly. "I brought a book with me. Would you like me to read to you while you fall asleep?", he asked against my forehead, his cheek resting on it. Instinctively, my head nodded timidly, and I shifted to permit him easier access to the book that he kept in the basket from earlier.
          Not a moment later the rustling of pages pervaded my mind in euphony with his relaxed voice, the song singing me to sleep with each word he read. His body rocked us slowly side to side as he did, further luring me to let my guard down and surrender to my exhaustion. He was giving in. He was accepting this, allowing this. It was the middle of the day and he was letting me sleep.
          This seemed to be a pattern with him. It was unfamiliar, but I could definitely get used to it.
          I was met with my gleeful bright pink and yellow walls when I opened my eyes, feeling disoriented, but not infiltrated with panic. The comforter was much warmer than outside, it's effects remained tingling on my skin. I burrowed further into it, curling myself into a secure fetal position while my head sunk further into my pillow. My stomach screamed out in agony, begging for food that it had been deprived of since lunch, but I didn't have the energy to get any or request more.
The floorboards creaked nearer to the door before I heard it creak open. I remained facing away, my lack of vivacity and vitality stilling me. The bed lowered behind me, two strong arms wrapping me in an embrace, his chin rested atop my shoulder.
"I know you're awake, but I'm going to let you fall back asleep, alright? You conked out at the park, so I brought you back. It's already time to sleep anyways, so I guess you get the benefit of having extra sleep for tomorrow. Sorry, uh, I'm just rambling now. I'll let you go back to sleep now. I'll come back in a bit to sleep. Holler if you nee-".
"Stay here, please, and stay in the bed. It's cold.".

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