Chapter 14

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A few days later...
          "Morning, sunshine!".
          I groaned, rubbing my eyes hastily as he pulled the curtains open with a whoosh, clearly energized and excited for whatever he was about to say or ask me. A smile teased his face and hope glimmered in his eyes, instilling it in me too when I witnessed it. Without effort or thought, a slime plastered onto my own face as he sat down on top of the empty blanket space beside me, my legs still tangled up within.
          "How would you like to go out and do something today? You know... something relaxing and fun, in my opinion.", he offered, his hand resting on my forearm, his touch electrifying. It wasn't the first time these past few days I'd experienced this: The same happened the other day when we practically danced with me in the rain and laid me on the grass. He didn't even have to be touching me to cause me to feel this way. His gaze was enough to enforce that unfamiliar feeling. Whatever it was, I wasn't sure how I was supposed to comprehend or deal with it, but I didn't mind it. I just enjoyed his company more than I had imagined I ever could.
          "Sure. What do you have in mind?", I replied, enthusiasm ricocheting through my tone, spreading his grin. "It's a surprise,", he teased. "Just go get dressed. You'll see soon enough. It's also a little chilly today, so maybe put on a lightweight jacket.".
          I did as he'd asked while he sprinted out of the room to put some of his own clothes on. I selected a pair of plain, unripped jeans, along with a t-shirt and a light pink jacket. I huffed as I took a glance at the mirror, moving a stray hair aside from my face as I examined my look. I hadn't brushed my hair yet or done my makeup, but I still found myself displeased. I looked overweight. I wouldn't be surprised if I was, considering the breakfasts I'd been having, provided by Jug. At least Mom would find the outfit somewhat acceptable. At least that can be perfect.
          I blinked the tears back as I brushed my hair quickly, and put it up into a tight, flawless ponytail, just as it should be. I resented it, but it was the least I could do.
          A knock startled me as I leaned over the vanity to get a closer look at my face, me nearly hitting my head against the mirror. "Betty? Everything okay? Can I come in?", I heard him say softly, his voice muffled by the door.
          "Sure, but I'm not ready yet.".
          "I don't mind. You know that.".
          He creaked it open, striding over to my side as he furrowed his brows in confusion. "What are you doing, Betts?", he asked, pushing himself up onto the counter and blocking my view of my hideous reflection.
          "I want to look half-decent, obviously, so I'm doing my makeup.".
          "Stop.", he commanded, reaching for the foundation that I gripped in my hand. He slowly pried my fingers from around it, taking it gingerly from my hands and setting it beside him before grabbing my hands, his eyes staring back into mine.
           "You, Betty, do not need makeup. You're beautiful already, just the way you are. You don't need to be quote-unquote 'perfect' around me, or around anybody else for that matter. I appreciate your pretty face the way it is, and you should too, okay?".
           He let out a chuckle after his statement in response to the face I made, grimacing each time he complimented me. "What?", he asked. "You don't believe me? Why would I ever lie to you?".
           "To make me feel better.".
           A frown replaced his cheeky smile, the air becoming stiller and more serious. "You are too stubborn for your own good, but it's also not a bad thing. You should accept compliments, especially when they're true. I stand by what I said. I meant every word of it. Now come on, slowpoke. It's already 11:00. We're picking up breakfast on the way, and they stop serving at 12, so let's get going. And don't worry; like I said, you look stunning.".
          He pulled me off the counter and ran out of the room and down the stairs, me stumbling to keep his pace. My smile was back, seeing how exuberant he was to take me wherever he planned on us going.

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