First Impression

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Blank. That was my state of mind when I came out through the doors to see not only my parents, but also my brother...and the whole Seigaku Boys' Tennis Team.

I had specifically messaged Nii-sama NOT to tell anyone that I was coming home, except our parents. But...why were there here too? My brother wasn't the type to break promises, especially when it was followed by a threat. They were still in their Regular's tennis uniform so I concluded that they had been training and when their captain suddenly excused himself, they decided to stalk him. Yup. That could be it.

Using the crowd as coverage, I lowered my head and pushed the stroller around the other passengers, making my way to the side without getting spotted.


Or not.

My brother and his sharp eyes. Jeez.

I glanced over my shoulder at him, showing no sign of emotions. He wore a soft smile and before I know it, he had pulled me into his chest and trapped me within his arms. I heard several gasps and a thud, and looking behind Nii-sama, I saw that we've caught quite a large amount of attention from both the Tennis Team and passersby. After all, the Great Captain Tezuka of Seigaku was smiling and hugging a girl. It was rare. Very. Extremely. 'Unconditionally out of this world' type of rare. Takeshi Momoshiro was on the ground with his mouth hung open. He seemed to be the most shocked. The others all have their eyes wide opened, even Fuji Shusuke and Echizen Ryoma. I wouldn't be surprised if we were on the front page of every newspaper the next morning, although I hoped not. I have had enough of it. No more.

After a few seconds passed with no sign of him letting go, I gently pushed on his chest and backed away. Our parents had left after giving me a long...long.....lonnnnnggggg hug. They had some business to attend to. I didn't really mind. I knew that they have already prepared everything in advance, such as my favorite food waiting there, on the dinning room's table for me. My brother opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Takeshi.

"Captain! Why didn't you tell us that you already have a girlfriend before we tried setting you up with someone?!"

So...they made my brother go on a blind date? He never mentioned it to me. Hmm. Interesting. But wait...girlfriend?

Nii-sama sent him a death glare before turning back to me. "It's been quite a while, Haruka. You've gotten much more taller."

"Hey." This time, it was Echizen. "You should compliment her based on her looks, not her height."

I thought he was supposed to be Level Zero in this kind of thing, but here he was, giving my brother advice.

My brother sighed in annoyance and grabbed the handle of the stroller. "Let's go."

I nodded my head and walked towards the door alongside him as the regulars followed. They were totally like stalkers. Sadaharu Inui was fiercely writting down in his notebook. Takashi Kawamura looked like he was having a panic attack while Shusuke Fuji, who was now smiling like a psycho, tried to comfort him. Kikumaru Eiji and Shuichiro Oishi were mumbling something about my brother then sushi before coming back to my brother again. Kaido Kaoru was just looking around, but I could tell he, like the others, occasionally glanced my way. Lastly, Echizen Ryoma... Well, Echizen was outright staring at me the whole entire walk to the car.

The car....Not car...

The bus.

The buses....

Were surrounded by monsters.

No. I'm just kidding.

They were surrounded by students.

To be more specific...

They were all wearing tennis uniforms.


Nope. I was correct.

They were monsters.

Aww man...


I just want to go home and eat a cup of ramen!

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