Chapter 4

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Chapter summary-
This is only a short one sorry the others will be longer.
Harry and Louis go on a walk, they learn a lot more about each other. Harry believes it's going to be a start to a great friendship.

Harry walks out of his door to find Louis already waiting out side his house , in his blue hat and a stripy jumper. Louis pulled off stripy clothes so well. Harry felt the need to drop Louis a text all though he was about 20 step away from him.

HARRY- i see you

LOUIS- your literally in-front of me harry no shit

Harry slid his phone away after he received Louis text. Louis had a sassy side to him that harry had barley seen anything from yet. Harry liked it , Harry liked Louis only in a friend way though. Harry is straight.

"what shop we going to then?" Harry says looking into Louis blue eyes. They were such a pretty shade of blue , Harry loved Louis eyes.

"Morrison's it's mine and mums fave" Louis laughed he sounded like a right child. He might as well be a child , the height difference between him and Harry was scary. Harry was like a foot bigger than Louis he's practically a giant compared to Louis.

"mhm okay let's go" Harry smiled at louis. He loved how childish Louis sounded. It was like they had knew each other for years. Their personality's bounced off one another, They instantly clicked with each other.

The walk to the shop was just them chatting amongst them selfs about their childhood and their hobby's. They found a lot out about each other. Louis and Harry both had very interesting life's. Louis picked up the basket and started to walk towards the first isle.

"Give me the basket i'll carry it" Harry reached out for the basket in Louis hand. They filled up the basket with all the things that Louis mum had asked for and even threw some bits in their for them selfs to eat on the way home. Louis mum didn't mind them getting themselves some little snacks as she told Louis to do it anyway.

"It getting cold out now isn't it , winter is on its way" Harry says , rubbing his hands together to keep them warm. It was dark out now , the wind had picked up and the weather had become a lot colder.

"Yeh it is , i don't like winter" Louis says

"neither do i , however i do when ur nice and warm" Harry laughed.

They was nearly coming up to their road , which meant they had to leave each other soon. They both enjoyed the walk so much and would love to go on them more often. Louis arrived to his house , he said goodbye to Harry and left Harry to head over to his house.

"How did it go" Jay asked Louis

"Really good , we had such a good time together" Louis smiled. He helped his mum unpack the shopping and headed upstairs afterwards. He found him self in some more warmer clothes snuggled up in bed. He thought it would be a good idea to drop harry a text before he went to sleep.

LOUIS- hiya harry , had a great walk thank you for joining me and i'll see you tomorrow:)

Harry heard is phone buzz , he wasn't expecting anyone to be texting him at this time , he reached over to grab his phone to see a text message from Louis. He replied instantly.

HARRY- hiya Louis , me too i really enjoyed it! we should do it another time. See you tomorrow.

"How was the walk harry" Anne says, she caught harry just before he started to go upstairs.

"It was really good mum , i enjoyed it. Louis is a really nice lad" Harry smiled. He knew he was going to have a genuine good friendship with Louis he could feel it in his body.

Harry finally got upstairs , he hopped in the shower washing his hair and his body, Using his strawberry shampoo which he loved the smell off and his body wash that smelt of cotton candy. You could say harry was a girl with the products he used in the shower , he just liked the smell off them.

Once Harry had finished up in the shower , it dropped louis a message goodnight however he didn't get a reply. Louis must of fallen asleep already , he kept complaining to harry how tired he was on the walk.

Harry put his head down on his pillow , he couldn't stop thinking about the walk. He had such a good time with Louis , he really enjoyed him self. Louis turned out to not be as shy as he first was when Harry first ever spoke to him. After a few tosses and turns Harry finally managed to fall asleep.

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