Chapter 3

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Chapter summary-
They go back to school , new boy introduced. Harry gains a really good friendship with the new boy.

It was their first day back since the break , Non of them was looking forward to it at all. It was 6:30 when Harry woke up , he decided that he still had time to sleep a bit longer , so he did.

"SHITTTTT MUM IM GUNNA BE LATE" Harry leaped out his head throwing on the closest piece of clothing he could find. He ran down stairs , to find that his mum has made him pancakes , He needed to warm them up but he didn't have enough time , so he ate them raw cold and dropped the lads a message.


HARRY- might be late , where are use ?

LIAM- just leaving my house , i think zayns already on the bus

HARRY- wait their liam i'll come pick u up , we can be late together ;)

ZAYN- yeye man i'm on the bus , don't take the piss though and be extremely late. We have french first.

HARRY- we will be there in 10 , cya then.

Harry and liam both finally arrive at school , they see zayn waiting outside the gates for him. Luckily they only 2 minuets before the bell went , so they quickly nipped to the atrium to get a drink.

"Let's get this day done with i can't be arsed today" Harry picked up his bag and headed to french with zayn and liam.

"THIS LESSON IS DRAGGING" harry groaned from the back of the class room. Their lesson was going slow until they was introduced to the new boy.

"This is louis tomlinson" a small boy with brunette hair walked though the door , He was with Niall.

"H-hi i'm louis tomlinson , i'm from Doncaster" He smiled.

When Harry first saw Louis , he felt a shiver down his spine , He had no idea why he got that feeling. He thought it was just a coincidence for that to happen. Louis and Niall took a seat in-front of where the boys was sat. Louis's seemed like a really nice lad from what Harry could hear.

Finally the bell rang , they had maths , Harry watched Louis and Niall walk out the class room, Harry was interested in Louis.

Zayn , Liam and Harry took their usually seats at the back of the classroom , Niall was also on their table but he wasn't there today. A few minutes after the whole classroom had settled down , Niall walked in with Louis. He was talking to the teacher for a couple of Minutes with Louis , who then finally came and sat down at the table , Louis sitting with him too.

The tension was awkward between them all , they was all silent. Harry didn't like it at all, He hated the silence.

"Hi i'm harry" he smiled i'm Louis direction.

"Hi i'm Louis oh wait u already know that but yeh hello" Louis laughed , he was already making a fool of him self. He was nervous around Harry.

"It's nice to meet you Louis , do you want to hang around a break?" Harry says , hoping for the answer of yes.

"I-i mean yes sure i'll be with Niall though if that's okay" Louis says , looking over to Niall to see if he was okay with it. Niall never really spoke to Harry so this was new to him too. Although the had knew Harry for a lot longer time than Louis knew him.

"Yeh that's fine i love Niall" Even zayn and Liam where shocked at what just came out of Harry's mouth. The guys barley even spoke to Niall and he's saying that he loves him. They were all so confused but they let it pass by.

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