Self-Wrote CreepyPasta

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Title: Gardenia's Sister

I didn't think it was possible.

I had just gotten the Pokemon Pearl, pearl for my birthstone. I could've gotten diamond for my brother, but I didn't have the money.

I stared at the case the entire ride home, answering my daddy whenever needed. He eventually realized I was too caught up in the game to talk, and that's when I actually opened it.

I looked at the game, the sticker was blue instead of pink. It didn't matter to me at the time, I was happy it was blue. Of course, being 7, I didn't know what could've been so bad about it.

I wasn't into CreepyPasta when I was 7, I first got into it when I was 11 or 12. But, I knew something wasn't right when I put the cartridge into my ds. It didn't work, so I took it out and blew in the ds and on the game itself.

New games shouldn't do that. I knew that much, but I tried again. It worked that time, and when I reached the Game Freak logo, I heard a sad Pokemon cry in the background. It didn't play any music, all you could hear was multiple Pokemon cries, each one sounding more and more demonic as the game eventually reached the start menu.

It showed a Palkia, like normal. But still no music. I was okay with it, because the Pokemon music was always a little annoying to me anyways.

It was a brand new game. Therefor, it shouldn't have a continue option. I knew that. But it did. I was confused, and looked at the case. It said new where the price tag was, but I was still confused. I looked at the sprite the previous person used, and I see a little girl in a yellow and red dress. The name said "..." and she didn't have any badges or Pokemon. I was wondering why this was here, then looked at the time spent on the game. It said 999:99, and I was completely baffled. I selected it, and a warning message came up.

WARNING: ... isn't feeling well. They might want you to go back.

I was beyond confused, and a little pissed. Pokemon games didn't have these types of messages. But, I continued anyways.

I was brought to a mansion-which I now know as "The Old Chateau"-and I walked around. I seen a room that was dusty, and could use a paint job.

I walked around and went out the door. I walked down the big hallway and found a door that leads south instead of north. I went through the door, and I found a big room. The room leads to different places, one with a mat in front of it. I guessed this was the exit, and I walked to it. I tried going outside.

"... isn't allowed outside. ... is never allowed outside again."

I then just turned the game off. I was totally pissed off at this game. It wouldn't even let me go outside. When I turned it back on, I looked at the sprite again to see that she was pale. Her mouth was purple and she had purple, wavy lines going across her forehead. I knew that purple meant poisoned, but I knew it wasn't possible. So I went back to the start menu and did the B+Select+L to start a new game.

"... is very unhappy. She wants you gone."

Being 7, I couldn't move. A new sense of dread washed over me as I just went to the new game option.

"... will give you a second chance. Stop now."

Then it gave me a "Yes/No" option. I selected "No" and I instantly regretted it.

"... will remember this. ... will forever remember this moment."

I felt bad at that moment. I just shut my ds and went over to the computer. I had friends at school interested in CreepyPasta, they were the only reason why I knew I had to search this up.

I went to YouTube and searched "Pokemon Pearl CreepyPasta." I saw all kinds, but the one that had something that drew me to it was "Gardenia and The Old Chateau."

I watched the video, and my heart dropped. Supposedly, Gardenia-the gym leader of one of the towns-had lived in The Old Chateau before it became old. Her sister-I decided this was probably the "..." character I was playing as-was next to become the Gym Leader. Gardenia became jealous and poisoned her entire family, giving her the opportunity to become the Gym Leader.

I was shocked. This matched up with the purple around my sprites mouth and the purple wavy lines. I didn't want to get back on the game. But, I knew I had to help the little girl.

"... wants you gone."

I sigh and do the stupidest thing ever-I started talking to the game.

"I know what happened with you and your sister. I'm sorry. I didn't know that had happened to you. Is there anyway I could help?"

"... doesn't forgive you. ... wants you gone."

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to do something about Gardenia?"

I didn't want to say her name. I despised that woman, she was a murderer. I couldn't believe this was something that happened in the amazing world of Pokemon.

"... is sorry she wanted you gone. ...wants to say sorry."

I then heard a rough, little girls voice say "sorry" out of the speakers. It sounded like it was hard to say just that.

"There is no need to say sorry. Do you want me to do something about Gardenia?" I ask.

"No. ... loved her when she was alive, ... loves her now. ... will always love her sister."

I started bawling. She loved her sister even after she had poisoned her. It was heart touching, and I wanted to hug her. I knew I couldn't though.

"Your such a polite little girl," I whisper.

"...thanks you. ...wants you to know her real name."

"What is it?" I ask.

I then hear another voice come through the speaker. It's the same little girls voice, but it sounds like its easier to talk. "Petunia."

"I like that name. It's really pretty."

"Petunia thanks you. She wants you to have fun playing the game."

I was so happy I got to talk to her. She was a nice little girl. After that, nothing bad happened in the game. In fact, things that didn't go my way-such as loosing a Pokemon battle-wasn't as bad, because every time I would lose, I would hear her voice coming through the speaker.

"You can do it!"


This happened 6 years ago. I still have the game, only, I don't really hear her voice anymore. It's sad, because I felt as though she was the little sister I never had. But, every time I feel scared at night due to my fear of the dark, I feel my bed sink beside me and a cold hand touch my arm. I know its her. I can sometimes here her say things, and only one time was it audible enough for me to understand-

"It's okay. I'll always be here to protect you."


This wasn't scary. ;-; I wasn't really aiming for scary, I guess. I just felt like writing something like that. ???

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