Chatper Two

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         The sky darkened as several thick clouds blocked out the sun’s light. “Grimwald,” someone called, “long time no see.”

        “Maddox leave now,” Silas warned. “We don’t want any trouble.”

        Maddox appeared, walking towards them. Stopping in front of Nathan, he sized him up. “So this is the famous boy, hmm. I expected more.” Nathan pushed him back.

        ‘Evil, Maddox is very evil!’ ‘Not to trust.’ ‘Run!’

        Silas pushed Nathan behind him protectively. “Leave the boy alone Maddox.”

        “I’m just having a little fun before the boring part comes along.”

        “The boy is not yours to take.”

        “He isn’t yours to protect either.” Maddox glared at Silas. “You can see the innocence in his eyes. He doesn’t even know of his doomed fate does he? You’re keeping him in the dark, just like you did with Si.”

        “I did not keep him in the dark, and nor do I intent to do that with Nathan,” Silas argued gruffly. “Everything you say has always been lies Maddox.”

        “You are no better than me Silas. Do not put yourself on a pedestal when you belong on the ground like everyone else.”

        “I am not eager to follow unrighteous traits and beings like you are.”

        “I’d say it’s been nice seeing you again Silas but it hasn’t. So let’s make this meeting short and hand over the boy.”

        Grim determination shone in Silas’s eyes. “I am not going to do that Maddox. Leave now.”

        Maddox held out one hand, palm facing up. Hovering above it a sphere of blue fire appeared. “I can’t say I’m sorry about this.” He hurled the blue fire at Silas and Nathan. Silas threw up a hand casting out a protective green shield. The blue fire hit the shield and disbursed in a shower of sparks, leaving Nathan scared but ultimately unharmed. More blue fire came sizzling towards them, and even though Silas stopped each one, Nathan wondered how long he could keep this up.

        Now, would’ve been a really good time to have a horrid of zombies coming to fight for me, Nathan thought.

        Silas let go of his shield and turned on the offensive side, throwing zapping sparks of electricity towards Maddox.

        There was no where to hide. The trees were all scared from stray bolts of electricity and fire. Birds flew out of their nests hidden in the trees to find safety. With no where to hide Nathan ran. As he ran, blue fire passed by him. Nathan was unsure as to whether their target was Silas or him. He almost felt bad abandoning the old man, but he had no way of protecting himself against fire like the old man.

        Proving his point, fire slammed him in the back, causing him to fall over and hit the pavement. Nathan cried out in pain. He curled his fingers in as he gasped. The fire burned through his shirt and scared his skin. Rage burned through him.

        Standing up, Nathan turned back to face Maddox and ran towards him. Adrenaline pulsed through his veins, supplying the strength Nathan needed to conquer this enemy he had made. The voices in his head grew louder and louder. Years of torment and being misunderstood by his family that had torn him up, gave him a motive and Maddox served as the outlet.

        Praying that he was truly enough like Silas as Silas had said, he thrust his hands in front of him. Feeling an immense sense of power leave him, he could see a black sphere fly from his hands directly at Maddox and hit him square in the chest. Maddox flew backwards, lost his footing and fell. Silas slowly rose from the ground; a shocked expression coated his features. Maddox was not on the ground for long. After the initial shock, he began to rise, and was very angry with Nathan. Thus began an epic battle between three wizards.

        As Nathan later learned from Silas, using magic costs energy. The stronger the spells the more energy you lose. Silas and Nathan put up a great fight against Maddox but Silas had not fought in a long time and was weaker than the others. Nathan had never fought before, and had little knowledge about how to cast spells. While Maddox was facing two opponents he was younger and had more knowledge which gave him the advantage. It wasn’t long before Silas exhausted himself and fell to the ground, leaving Nathan to take on Maddox by himself.

        “Looks like it’s just you and me boy,” Maddox taunted. “You could always stop fighting and come quietly with me.”

        “Where’s the fun in that?” Nathan mocked. He cast another swirling black ball towards Maddox, but it fell short. He had little strength left to propel it any farther. A loud sound came from behind Nathan that was both a shriek and a growl. Turning around, Nathan could see rotting flesh falling from the corpses that staggered towards him. Maddox stared at Nathan in disbelief.

        “You, you are truly cursed.” Due to his lack of energy Maddox hurled a red sphere of fire at the corpses. Even though the red fire was less powerful, it would still sting, but when it hit the corpses it did nothing but anger them. One or two fell apart but were easily pieced back together. Before the corpses reached Maddox he disappeared in a puff of red smoke.

        Curious, I walked up to one of the corpses. It reeked of rotting flesh which peeled away from its body to reveal its bones. There was some remaining evidence but not much of the corpse once being dressed in a suit. “Who are you?”

        ‘I am Adam Hyde,’ it responded inside of my mind.

        “Why can I hear you but no one else can?”

        ‘You are special, but not the only one.’

        “Who else is like me?”

        ‘Very few are known. Fewer are alive.’

        “How can I hear you?”

        ‘You are connected to us.’ A corpse beside Adam growled. Adam replied with a growl. ‘We must return to our burial sites. Your power is diminishing. Farewell.’

        “But I still have so many questions to ask!”

        ‘Another day, perhaps.’ Adam and the other corpses staggered off back to the graveyard.

        Rushing to Silas’s side, Nathan questioned, “Silas are you okay?”

        “I’ll be quite alright.” Silas reached inside his pocket and pulled out the vial. He took a sip before handing it to me. “You fought well for someone who hasn’t fought before.”

        Nathan took a sip and handed the vial back. “Is that normal?”

        “Not always, usually it’s quite rare to find someone of your skill without any formal training, but it isn’t impossible.”

        “Where would I learn to become more skilled like you are?”

        “I am the Headmaster at Drazora, a school for magic in Canada. I came here in hopes of getting you to enroll at my school.”

        “Sounds expensive, my family can’t afford expensive.”

        “You’d have a full scholarship. I must warn you that it is a boarding school and you will be there, with the exception of holidays, for the entire year before returning home. I have come to understand that you attend a public school where this does not happen.”

        Nathan nodded. “This new school is sounding better and better.”

        “Will you come to Drazora?”

        “Yeah, I’ll go. Now all you have to do is convince my mother.”

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