| The real ship / The truth |

Start from the beginning

[Olaf]: That's very clever..-Olaf mutters, looking around- Although, it does make me wonder why they don't just make the whole ship waterproof..

They all looked along the walls, feeling something out of place. Elson peeks into some cabinets and you look along a pillar while Anna feels the side of the wall. Suddenly she gasps, making everyone look at her.

[Anna]: Here!!..

You and Elson ran, kneeling next to her as she pulls out some kind of water protector, opens it, and shakes the scroll that was inside. She opens it, inclining her head.

[Anna]: Which language is this?....

Your eyes wander over the paper, until they stop in a corner.

[Y/N]: Look, this is mother's handwriting..

[Elson]: And my father..-Elson answers-

[Y/N]The end of the ice age. The river found, but lost. The source of Elson and (Y/N)?..

[Anna]: It's a map..-Anna exhales, while Elson looked up, looking at the scroll you were holding. Anna placed it, everyone leans to see it- They traveled north..-Anna follows the river marker- and planned to cross the Dark Sea to..

[Y/N]: Ahtohallan..

[Anna]: Is it real?..-Anna gasps, Elson remains silent as his face seems to pale, his face slowly changes to horror-

[Olaf and Samantha]: Octa-who-what?..-Samantha and Olaf ask, bowing their heads at the same time-

[Anna]: Ahtohallan.. It's a magical river said to hold all the answers about the past..

[Olaf]: Reinforcing my "water has memory" theory. Mm..-Olaf hums in response-

[Elson]: Water has memory..-Elson exhales suddenly, looking at her hands and squinting-

He gets up quickly, running to the center of the boat and kneels on his knees while placing his hands on the ground. Raindrops float from the floorboards as her magic works, making you look at he in surprise, Anna gasps.

[Anna]: Elson...

[Elson]: I wanna know what happened to them..-He interrupts with a soft voice, his eyes closed in concentration-

His magic combined with water forms two statues, Agnarr was holding your mother close to him, while touching her cheek, and his forehead resting on hers.

[Idunna]Ahtohallan has to be the source of the two!..-Idunna's voice speaks when Anna joins Elson's side-

[F/N]I agree!..-Your father's voice appears- He could have the answers that we have been looking for since before..

[Agnarr]We will move on..-Agnar says with determination, the three of them breathed with difficulty while Anna hugs Elson's side-

[Idunna]The waves are too high! ...

The statues of Agnar and your mother were surrounded in a wave. Elson lets out a sob, walks away from Anna before leaving the place. Anna gasps as she runs to him, crying. You, Olaf and Samantha looked at the statue sadly-


[Anna]: Elson..-Anna gasped, watching him stumble and leaned against a rock with shuddering breath, his shoulders shaking- Hey, hey, What are you doing?..-Anna asks softly, wiping away the rest of her tears-

[Elson]: It's my fault..-He gasps- They were looking for answers about me!!..

[Anna]: You are not responsible for their choices, Elson!..-Anna responds quickly, shaking her head-

[Elson]: No. Just their deaths..-Anna shakes her head, grabbing her arms tightly, looking at him seriously-

[Anna]: Stop. No. Yelena asked, why would the spirits reward Arendelle with a magic king and another magic person? Because our mother, and mother of (Y/N) saved their enemy!. Her good deeds were rewarded with both of them!..

You approach them, with concern to see Elson so sad. Samantha and Olaf followed you behind, walking in silence.

[Anna]: They are gifts...

[Y/N]: For what?..-You ask as you approach, looking at the two with concern-

[Anna]: If anyone can resolve the past. If anyone can save Arendelle and free this forest, it's you two!..-Anna answers, smiling while hugging him. He reciprocates her, hugging her tightly-

Anna walks away from him, Elson nods and starts walking.

[Elson]: Honeymaren said there was a fifth spirit..-He says, turning to you and Anna- A bridge between the magic of nature and us..

[Anna and Y/N]: A fifth spirit?..-Anna and you asked him, making him nod his head-

[Elson]: That's who's been calling me from Ahtohallan..-he answers, as he approaches- The answers about the past are all there..-Elson looks at his hands and looks at them again-

[Anna]: So we go to Ahtohallan..-Anna smiles, making you look at her surprised-

[Elson]: ..Not "we"..-Elson answers softly, making Anna's smile disappear as you look at him confused- Both..

[Y/N]: What?..-You ask, looking at him confused-

[Elson]: The Dark Sea is too dangerous for all of us..

[Anna]: No No!..-Anna interrupts, shaking her head when Olaf and Samantha join the three- We do this together...-She insists, Elson sighs as she looks away from her- Remember the song?! "Go too far and you'll be drowned!" Who will stop them from going too far?!..

Elson closes his eyes and shakes his head before looking at her.

[Elson]: You say you believe in both. That this is what we were born to do..

[Anna]: And I don't want to stop them from doing that!..-Answers Anna- I don't want to stop them from being what they need to be!..-Anna stutters, waving her hands as she speaks. Elson looks at you, and you look at him with concern before looking back at Anna- I just ... I don't want them to die..-Olaf and Samantha gasp looking at Anna- Guys..-Anna's voice trembles as she approaches- Don't do it..-She spoke softly, sobbing- Let me help you, please. I don't want either of them to die. I don't want to lose them both..

You hug her tight, Elson joins the hug as he speaks.

[Elson]: I can't lose you either..-Elson is silent for a moment- Come on..

Olaf and Samantha smile before approaching and hugging Anna by the legs. After a few minutes they all walked away, Anna sobbing as she wiped away her tears and smiled.

[Anna]: What?!..-Anna demands, panting when the magic of the two passes through her feet, throwing them back into a kind of ice boat. Anna gasps, looking at the two of them- Guys!..-She screams, throwing her hand in his direction as you look at her sadly. They all walked away until they were lost from their sight-


-Wow ... the story takes a different turn ...

 the story takes a different turn

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