"Are you going to Max's party tonight?" Louis turned to his assistant, Emily.

"I'm not sure, I'll probably just leave after I get him ready." Max Graham was a good friend and client, he was a big producer and would occasionally host big parties. Louis rarely attends, even though Max always begs him to stay and mingle. Louis just doesn't want to risk seeing Harry again.

"Why don't you stay? I heard some big celebs are gonna be there. Maybe you can book Rihanna or Ariana Grande."

"You already know Grande's stylist is my friend, I'm not stealing her away. Although, the thought is tempting..." Emily giggled at her boss and continued putting together some outfits on her iPad.

"Just stay this time please! If you get bored I'll leave with you and order you some take out." Louis thought about it, Harry most likely won't be there, he never used to attend these parties. He thought one night wouldn't hurt. Also, why was Louis letting him still have control over his life? He could go to a party that he wants to go to, whether Harry was going to be there or not. It was his life, his choice.

"Fine, but you're treating for lunch on Monday." Emily rolls her eyes but nods anyway, excited her boss was finally going to enjoy himself at a party.


"Louis, my darling angel!" Louis giggled at his friend and client and bowed down exaggeratedly.

"Hello, good sir. I come bearing gifts." Louis stepped aside and the clothing racks full of designer clothes held in plastic coverings was pushed in.

"What look are you going for today, Max?" He came up behind him and rested his hands on his shoulders, holding his stare in the opulent mirror in front of them.

"Surprise me." he boldly said, a sly smile on his lips.

Louis was excited. He loved dressing people up, he's always had a knack for fashion and it was great that he enjoyed it as well.

"Emily!" Louis called, needing the help of his assistant.

"Could you grab that new belt, I think it's in the trunk." He asked her while unzipping the bags he knew would look super well on Max.

"Yup, be right back." Emily walked away and Louis held the two articles of clothing together, trying to picture it on his client and he shook her head, discarding the top he picked and plucked another from the rack.

"Aha..." he whispered, grinning in excitement.

"I have found the perfect outfit for you. You will love it!"

Max turned around to grin at Louis, he loved the outfits Louis dressed him up in. He was truly fond of his stylist, he was so caring and he knew he had been hurt in the past. He could tell from the way his eyes dimmed sometimes, looking to be in another world with a frown on his face.

He wanted Louis to have fun, and if there was one thing about Max's grand parties, it was that you had fun. He prided himself on ordering the best hor'dourves for his guests and the best DJ's.

"I hope you're coming tonight?" he basically pleaded with Louis, giving him his puppy dog eyes. He always said no, though. He didn't like going to big parties, but Max didn't know why.

He was prepared for Louis to decline his invitation, but Emily approached and answered for him.

"I got him to come tonight, you can thank me now, by the way." She grinned at both Max and Louis, and all Louis did was roll his eyes at his perky assistant.

Max gasped overdramatically, turning his head to face Louis.

"I've got a ton of people to introduce to you, my dear. Prepare yourself."

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