The Party

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Louis groaned at the blaring sound of an alarm, reaching over towards his nightstand to grab his phone. In the process, a body shifted beside him and he realized he wasn't alone. Sitting up, he looked at the person next to him and the memories from last night seemed to drown him.

"Mm, hello?" Harry's deep morning voice grumbled to the caller who dared wake him up on a Saturday morning. Louis grabbed the covers and wrapped it around him to cover his nakedness, and he felt a little embarrassed.

Louis couldn't wrap his head around the fact he actually slept with one of his good friends. He was always adamant of never crossing that line with him, but somehow it happened and he basked in the memories of last night. Harry was so sweet and good to him, like how he imagined he would be, and honestly, his imagination didn't do him justice.

"You okay?" Harry's voice turned concerned and Louis tilted his head slightly in curiosity of who was calling Harry at--he tapped his phone screen and it lit up bright in front of him--nine in the morning.

"Don't cry, baby, don't cry. I'll come over now, yeah? You'll be okay." The words rushed out of Harry and before Louis had a chance to process it, Harry was turning to him.

"Hey, Louis, there's an emergency...I think you should go." Louis blinked in confusion, this was not how he was expecting things to go when he woke up.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, it's just Daisy. Her boyfriend just broke up with her and she needs me right now." Of course it was Daisy, and as long as she was in the picture, Louis would never mean anything more than a friend to Harry. That's been how it was for as long as he knew him. Harry was wrapped tightly around Daisy's finger. He couldn't help but feel jealous of her, Harry was so in love with her, but he just wouldn't see it. If only Harry felt like that around him, Louis thought.

"But...last night?" Harry said. He looked down at Louis beside him, pity gracing his features.

"It meant nothing." Louis sighed, embarrassed and full of shame. He shouldn't have done this.

"I'm sorry..." Harry reached out to grab Louis' hand as he gathered her dignity and got of his bed, grabbing his items and stepping into his clothes.

"Save it, Harry. I can't believe after everything she's put you through you'd still walk through hell for her. You're only hurting yourself, I hope one day you'll see that. But I won't stand by you through it."

He raced out of Harry's bedroom, Harry following behind him trying to explain himself, but Louis wasn't having any of it, not when Daisy still had his heart.

"Call me when you get your shit together." Louis turned towards Harry one last time, regarding him with a look that was full of anger and heartbreak.

"Don't do this, Louis. Please..." Harry was torn between saving his friendship with Louis and going to see the girl he was in love with, but he didn't need to decide because Louis decided for him.

Louis exited his front door, and in that moment they didn't know it would hurt them more than they expected it to.


A few months passed, Harry tried every possible way to get Louis to talk to him, but he wouldn't have it, not when he was still under Daisy's influence and being stupid. Louis cut off most contact with Harry's friends, only because he didn't want to break and ask how Harry was doing. He already got enough of it through social media.

Louis was a stylist, and he worked himself up, booking celebrity clients left and right and eventually became good friends with a few of them. He liked his new life without Harry in it, but that's the thing. He didn't love it, he missed him deeply, but he wouldn't succumb to his charms. He still had that one night burned into the back of his mind.

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