chapters 45

137 3 4

Artemis's POV

I wake up, cold and in immense pain. Turning my head I expect to see Dick next me strapped to a table. When I look over that is not what I see. I am in an unfamilular place, alone. Where is Dick, what have they done with him!?

"DICK!?" I scream out. Terror builds in my chest when he doesn't answer. What are they doing to him, why didn't I stay awake. I try to run and search for him, "DICK WHERE ARE YOU!?" Someone grabs me before I can run and find him.

His voice cuts through the dark, "I'M HERE."

Trying to get at him I claw and push even harder against the hands. Wally's voice comes from the hands, "it's ok arty your safe." How is he here!?

He just keeps repeating it into my ear as I cry and claw at his grip. I needed to find Dick. If I can't see him, is he real! Is any of this real! What if it's all another one of their mind games.

Finally I spot Dick. He limps into the room favouring his right side. When I see that he is unaccompanied I realise where we are. There are no guards, no IVs with strange liquids, no metal tables. We're home.

Dick comes over to where Wally and I are on the floor. He doesn't say anything just grabs my hand. With his thumb he smoothes it up and down my outer palm. Something we did while captured to reassure each other we were there and still alive.

It wasn't much but it broke me. I can't do this anymore, I can't be strong anymore. For the first time in years, I cry. One single tear trickles down my cheek. Before I know what's happening, I'm full blown sobbing. Just laying there in Wally's lap clinging to Dick I cry.

Safe is something I haven't felt in so long. Yet here, on the floor sitting next to almost my only family I feel safe. Knowing I'm safe only makes me cry more. I don't deserve them.

Footsteps come from behind, they're coming. What if it's them here to take us away again!? I squeeze my eyes shut and dig my hands into the fabric of Dick's shirt. Nothing happens, no one rips me from their hold.

Opening my eyes a tad too see what is happening. No crazy scientists are there to get us, instead Bruce and Alfred had made their way over to us. Alfred wrapped a blanket around us, then they both join us on the floor.

Sitting there in the middle of the night, I see Bruce shed a tear. This in itself shook me to my core. Soon the door barges open.

I'm struts Wall-man's parents, fuming to high heaven. Though for some reason her words came out soft "Wally, next time, wake us."

Then she comes close strokes his face and continues, "we were worried" her husband wraps his arm around her shoulder and leads her out the door.

Soon the sun is rising, l light fills the room. Cars begin to fill the street, people take to the sidewalks. We just sit there curled up next to each other till finally Alfred rises. He exits into the kitchen.

While he is gone I begin to doze. Only to wake each time my eyes close. I am not quite ready to face those demons. No.

Alfred walks back through with a tray. On top of the tray was a stack of pancakes. On the outsides were four glasses of orange juice. The tray also carried a bottle of syrup.

"It is morning children, you all must eat." Alfred began chastising. Setting the tray down in front of us. He passed out plates with one on top drenching it in syrup.

None of us made a move till Alfred continued "if you would like to lay there all day that is fine with me but you must eat this pancake to do so or I will find things for you to do." At that we all began eating the food presented.

This is what the day consisted of, us on the floor laying in silence till every so often Alfred would come back from working with a tray of food we were required to eat.

Hey lovelies, how are you all doing? I am so thankful for all of you. I have started to edit my previous chapters to make them easier to read and not just blocks because I started this 2 years ago can you believe it's been that long!? Anyways thank you everyone you are all so special and so very loved.

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