chapter 34

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Robin's POV

Artemis would be fine, at least physically. Batman explained that although a crapton of her bones were broken in the incident she was going to be ok. Although he hasn't said anything about mentally. People's mentality is so fragile, with good reason, it's everything that they think of themselves, the most fragile of all. Bones brake and they heal again quickly, minds, not so much., he also said that without me she would more than likely be dead but I was the reason we were even in this mess. I broke the branch, I got us caught, I couldn't stop them and she stepped in. She was so confident with no worry that anything would go wrong. Then I didn't step in till it was too late to help and this is the outcome. 

Wally came and plopped himself down on the couch next to me, sighing loudly. "she left to go home and now I don't know what to do!" he exasperated loudly. "so I'm your number two now, I see how it is," I fake hurt. He looked at me deadpanned, "you're fine you big baby." "Uh I'm the baby I don't think so" He hands me over the controller and turns the tv on, also getting snacks at that time. I'm not complaining, I love snacks and they taste so much better when I have to do nothing to get them. Maybe being crippled wouldn't be so bad, I get to have people do everything for me while I don't lift a finger, sign me up. Oh wait wait wait, sports master already did, I remember now. It was right after I got batman free and saved all of our lives. 

That night I slept here, I could not make it all the way to the Wayne mansion. Plus then Alfred would make me tell him what I did and I didn't want to face that right now. Sure Alfred was the best and was like an uncle to me, but I didn't want to admit that I could have done more, that I was better off because I had stayed in the shadows while Artemis got her ass handed to her. That night I could not sleep, every time I close my eyes I see art's lifeless body and the blood in her veins stopping as I sat there watching. It reminded me of when my parents died. Every night I would stand at the top of the bar watching as my parents fell to their death, I would hit at an unbreakable wall trying to get through as I saw the life and light drain from their eyes. I felt stupid and worthless. That is what had me sitting at the counter in the team kitchen at two am to see a bawling Artemis come zetaing through. I hobble over to her holding my arms out which she collapses into. A crying mess instead of the strong girl that I know. We sat there on the floor for what felt like hours before she looked up into my eyes "Roy knows and he's going to tell everyone" that could only mean one thing, her family. I instantly grow mad at Roy, you can't choose who's family you're born into, and that's not something that you can say it's none of his business, if art thinks we're ready to know and trusts us enough to tell us what should be her option to tell not his, or anyone else for that matter. "Wally is going to hate me." that's what she's worried about? He better not. "he won't, Wally understands that you don't get to chose your family." Before I can continue to try to make her feel better she shakes her head interrupting me, "you guys are my family," tears brimming her eyes, and that almost brought me to tears. I have always wanted to have a family where there is absolute love and I feel that, I'm so happy that she feels the same.

Hello Lovelies, thank you for reading you amazing creatures. I'm so excited. I have an actual plan of where I'm writing to, that never happens, joking, sort of anyway so I  have a like plan that kinda goes off the rails of the story but I think it would be really cool so that's what I'm doing I hope you like it 

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