69~ Forever

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Our vacation was coming to a end and to be honest I didn't want to leave. I really did feel like I was in a galaxy far far away, far far away from what troubles me most. I've made so many videos in our week here that I wouldn't have to make videos ever again. We got to go up in the mountains and out in the lake. We got to go to the beaches and soak up the sun in the sunroom of our condo. I didn't believe in perfection, but this was pretty close.

Today Jon and I decided to do something we both had talked about. We decided to get matching tattoos and honestly I was a little nervous. I always wanted a tattoo but couldn't do the needles. They're really cool and I think they're absolutely beautiful, just never had the stomach for them. But I wanted to change that and Jon wanted a tattoo to match mine so I guess there was no backing out now.

For the tattoo we both wrote "down for the ride" on a piece of paper in our handwriting to have it transferred to our bodies. We decide to get them on our ribs which I knew was going to suck. But I loved rib tattoos and Jonny loved any excuse to take his shirt off.

"So how long have you and you boyfriend been together" the girl doing my tattoo asks. She had a bunch herself which made me feel a little bit better.

"We've been dating for about four months" I explain and she stops putting on her gloves to raise her eyebrow at me.

"This is quite a commitment for four months" she admits.

"Well I've known him for over four years and we've been living together this whole year. Even if he wasn't my boyfriend he would be my best friend and I would probably still get this tattoo with him" I explain.

"You were just friends with that man for for years" she questions as she nods her head Jon's direction.

"He was taken and I was trying to conquer the world" I laugh.

"Ah. So things are different now" she asks.

"Well, not really. He's taken by me now and I've made it this far from home but there's still so much to do, still so much to see. But just like me he's down for the ride" I smile.

"So what made you get this as a tattoo" she asks as she lays out the paper on my side to transfer the tracing to my skin. I lift my sports bra out of the way so it doesn't smudge or get in her way.

"Down for the ride is my motto, kinda always has been. I was a wild child, care free and open. I didn't like to say no a lot, too afraid to let people down. Too afraid to disappoint somone. So whenever someone asked me for something I would always say that I'm "down for the ride" and then I would do it.

As I got older I realized I couldn't just throw myself into every single endeavor that finds me. But I also realized that we miss so many opportunities by not even trying. So I promised myself I didn't always have to reach whatever goal there was for me, but I did have to enjoy the ride.

Once I started my YouTube channel that became a part of me. It's how I met so many people and made so many friends. By always accepting the challenges we face day to day and just enjoying the ride. The people who watches my video started saying it and almost eight years later, here we are" I say as I nervously watched her get the needles ready.

"That's actually really cool. My boss was telling me you and your boyfriend were famous out in the states. But I have to admit I don't really know you guys" she claims as I smile.

"Few people really do. I have no real talents I'm using, just trying to help out where I can. Find a place for me in this world and enjoy the ride along the way" I shrug.

"Well I've known you for ten minutes and you've already put a smile on my face so I can only imagine what you do for the people who follow you" she claims.

"I'm a people pleaser. I like to see people smile and it makes me smile. That's all it takes for me" I insist.

"Well thank you for being so kind. I hope this is going to be just as nice for you" she claims.

"Me too" I swallow hard.

She gets started and at first I thought I was going to pass out. Jon offered to stay with me and hold my hand but it would take twice as long and I wanted to go back to the condo to play with the cats. They've had a great vacation but I missed them and wanted a movie night really bad. So we both go our separate ways and get them done at the same time.

It took a hour and a half for the words and a flower I added in last minute. It was a hydrangea and my dads favorite flowers. Grew them every year with his harvest. And my tattoo artist did a great job with it and even let me record myself to make a video. Lets just say there's a lot of bleeps going in there.

I go out to meet Jon and he wasn't there so I sit and talk to the girl who did my tattoo. Since they had to be scheduled she had a few extra minutes and I show her TikTok and all the stuff they have on there. She and I laugh like we were old friends as I wait for my boyfriend.

Jon comes out about a hour after I was done and I look at him weird. "Are you okay" I ask a little concerned something happened.

"Yeah, I'm great" he assures me and I let out a sigh. Thank god.

"What took you so long" I wonder as he just smiles down at me.

"This" he says lifting his tank top. I see the words "down for the ride" in my handwriting on his ribs along with the lotus flower I use for my emblem for my channel and most of my merch. Then I see my dads initials written within the flower and I gasp.

"Oh sweetie" I whisper as I step closer to it. I feel tears in my eyes because it looked that good.

"I know this isn't what we had in mind but I had this idea to surprise you" he claims.

"I love it. I'm also very concerned should something happen with us we are both in deep shit" I giggle.

"If we break up this tattoo is the least of my worried because I already lost the best thing that ever happened to me. And no matter what you're my soul mate and my best friend. You always will be. And your dad will forever be one of the greatest people in my life. Wise, caring, funny and loving. He is a guardian angel always looking over me and for that I am lucky. That will never change" he explains.

"I love you so much" I sigh.

He grabs my face and softly presses a kiss to my forehead. "I love you most" he replies.

Down For The Ride (Jonathan Toews)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ