52~ Her

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As July flys by it comes time for me to get ready to go to Edmonton. We've been practicing hard and doing everything we can to stay healthy. Bri had personalized masks made for all of us thanks of her to keep us safe. It had the blackhawks logo and our numbers on them and they turned out really cool. As much as she doesn't want me to leave she does know what having hockey back means to so many people. This is a big step towards getting our lives back. With hockey on tv and grown men celebrating like we've never scored a goal before. The circumstances suck, but hopefully the meaning makes up for it.

So I start to pack up everything I need. I take the projector Bri got me and of course the blanket with our picture on it. Thankfully I have a lot of meaningful things from this relationship that I can bring with me to remind me to work hard and no matter what I'll have something worth while to come back to. Of course it will never be able to fill the void I will surely have once I can't hold her anymore. But it's better than nothing.

As I toss things in my suitcase Garfield crawls in there and I smile. There wasn't many things he wouldn't try to fit into and I know I'm going to hate trying to get cat hair off of everything once he gets out. He lays there with his head peeking over the side and I softly pet him as he starts to purr.

"How am I supposed to leave you? You're too cute" I insist as he rubs his head against my hand. I let out a long sigh as he just looks up at me. I know I had to go, but it still sucks.

Bri comes out of the bathroom in her bra and underwear nearly making my eyes jump out of my head. She has a towel up to her head trying to dry her curls as she looks for something.

"Hey babe, have you seen my phone" she wonders.

"What's a phone" I ask as she just laughs at me. But for a second there I really did forget everything.

"Oh, I think it's over there" she says pointing to the end table next to me. She walks over to grab her phone but I block her from getting there. She gives the sexiest of smiles as she tosses the towel she was using to dry her hair off to the side.

"You gonna let me by" she asks.

"You gonna make me" I challenge.

She suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me towards her so her body was pressed against mine. I go to slip my fingers in her hair but she moves past me and snatched her phone. My bottom lip pokes out as she just giggles at my expense.

"That was just mean. Teasing me like that" I accuse.

"I never said I wasn't going to give you what you wanted" she says giving me chills all over my body. She tosses her phone back onto the nightstand before strutting over to where I was standing by the bed.

She softly pushes me into the bed before climbing on top of me. I wasn't even sure what to do at this point because it felt like a dream. It was no secret that this girl had it all, her Coachella pictures were used for promotion and she's the only person I know who had molded for both Nike and Adidas because she's just that beautiful. And no matter how many times I see her and no matter what she's wearing I'm always in awe of her. She had scars and blemishes but that is what makes her so beautiful. She never tried to hide anything and wore her heart on her sleeve. And it was simply beautiful.

"How am I supposed to leave you" I whisper on her bare skin and I hold her near. I feel her fingers dig into my back as she pulls herself closer to me.

"You're not supposed to leave. That much I know. But you have to" she insists.

"But I need you. In the worst ways I need you" I say barley above a whisper.

"What could you possibly need from me" she questions.

I stop for a second as I look up at her. She stops too as she looks back at me with those hazel eyes. "I need your mind helping me think up of the best ways to be a better man. I need your soul wrapped around me lifting me up like always. I need your touch keeping me sane, keeping me comfort. I need your eyes looking at me like they are now, like you've never seen anything better. I need you Ellie, every inch, every second, everything" I say.

She softly pushes my hair back before leaning over and placing a kiss on my lips. My hands grip her waist tighter as I pull her close. "I love you Jonny. And thats not going to stop because you're not near me anymore. I know my love is important to you and your love means the world to me. No matter how far and no matter how long we are apart that will never change. If anything missing you will make the love stronger" she claims.

"I don't want to be stronger, I just want you" I say.

"You have me, all of me. Hy heart, mind, soul, my body. It's all yours" she promises.

I press my lips to her collar bone as she lets out a little gasp. As much as I don't want to think about it, this could be the last time for a long time that we can be like this. I'm gonna miss seeing her walking around like she owns the place. I'm going to miss waking up in bed and just watching her sleep peacefully.

Most of all I'm going to miss her, her infectious smile and contagious laugh. I'm gonna miss the way she calls me "Jonny" when she's fake mad at me. I'm gonna miss listening to her shunning her brother for calling her with every inconvenience he has. I'm gonna miss her.

"I can't leave you" I finally whisper as she just lets out a sigh.

"I'm gonna miss you too baby. Not a second will go by where I wish you would be by my side. I'll think of you every chance I'll get and I'll bottle up every moment until we see each other again" she claims.

"Until then lets just be together" I insist.

"Yes captain" she smirks.

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