68~ Never Tired Of You

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After a few days of sight seeing and exploring this beautiful land in Italy we finally get a chill day where we weren't on a schedule from 7 am to 12 am. Bri lets loose and we get to go into town just to see where our feet lead us. We haven't been around a lot of people so far because Italy has their problems with COVID too. And while the US is overtaking everyone in number of cases, number of people hospitalized and number of deaths due to the virus, Italy wasn't off the hook either. But they are a lot more perceptive of protecting each other and know that wearing masks is the best option we have at the moment. Though I'm learning the whole 6 feet apart thing is a struggle for them because they love to hug, even total strangers.

We walk into town for a nice breakfast and I was a little too excited. A lot of Italian culture is their food so this I knew was going to be so good. Even with my food allergy I knew this was going to be good. We walk into a little cafe and are immideitly greeted. I see a young woman's eyes grow big as she looks Bri over. Trust me, I get it.

"Oh! Oh are you Brielle Evans" the young woman beams with a thick accent.

"Why yes I am. It's a pleasure to meet you" Bri replies.

"We just love watching your videos out here. We all watch them together and love what you do" the girl cheers. She had such joy in her voice as she hops up and down in her spot.

"Well thank you sweetie. What's your name" Bri asks.

"I'm Alesia and this is my friend Sofia. We're such huge fans" she says with her thick accent.

"Do you think I can get a picture with you? I love meeting fans from all over and would love to have you guys on my Instagram page, if it's okay with you" she says.

"Of course" Sofia cheers, the most excitement I've heard in a persons voice since I suggested to Bri that we should come here.

They take off to take some pictures and another girl takes me to the table we would be sitting at. I order us some coffee and wait for my girlfriend to return.

I know how important moments like these are to those girls and to Bri too. She doesn't come to places like this often so her fans out here don't get to see her much. This is their only chance to see her, to talk to her, while I see her every chance I get. When I was with Brandy she hated when I stoped to talk to fans but when chance puts people together like this it isn't nothing to give up a few moments in time to make someone's life.

And it means a lot to Bri too. She wants to meet each and every fan of hers and this is her one chance to do so out here. I wanted to be alone with her but I also realize just how much these things mean to her. Because in every way I feel the same way.

Eventually she comes back and I hand her her drink. She lowers her mask and to reveal the truest most beautiful smile.

"Those girls are so sweet, I want to be friends with them" she claims and I laugh.

"You trust too easily" I accuse.

"And because of that we became best friends so you're welcome" she smirks.

"This is honestly the happiest I've seen you" I admit.

"It's crazy that people out here watch me do stupid things daily. I mean they knew my theme song and who you were and asked how my family was doing since my dad passed. They might not have a lot in common with me but that doesn't matter, love is a universal language" she shrugs.

"Is there anywhere you can go without people recognizing you. Even with a mask on" I ask.

"Not that I've seen. Not Japan or Germany or Canada or France. And while it sucks that there is nowhere I can go to be myself, I wouldn't change it for the world" she smiles.

I just shake my head as I watch her take a sip of her drink. I'm not going to lie, being one half of a famous couple when the other person is on a level of her own is intimidating. Scary at times. I know she can have any person in the world but she wants me and that still blows my mind.

"What are you thinking so hard about" she wonders.

"Never in a million years did I ever think this would be my life. Being here, with you. I wanted it. In so many ways this was everything I dreamed of. It's a little scary but I wouldn't change it" I say.

"You don't ever get tired of all of this, do you" she questions.

"You mean do I ever get tired of you" I correct. Her eyes fall to the table as she wraps her fingers around her cup and pulls it towards her.

"Yeah" she admits softly.

I just shake my head before reaching over and resting my hand over hers. I easily cover it up as I softly rub my thumb over her fingers. "I get that so much comes with being who you are. I never once thought it wouldn't be worth it. I will sit here and take pictures of you and fans and cheer you along every step of the way. I love what you have created, something bigger than what you and I can even see. We came all the way out here just to find out you're still beloved by all. I would be a fool to think that this would be easy, I would be a bigger fool to think that there is anything else in this entire world better than the way I feel about you" I explain.

She looks up to me with a small smile as I squeeze her hand. She might be a strong person, but even the strongest of us need reassurance sometimes. I know that she's seen something she thought was under control fall apart before. Take what happens with her dad as a example. Sometimes we just need to hear that things are exactly as they seem.

We order our food and invite the workers to eat breakfast with us. Bri buys them a meal and in return we got word of the best places to go and see around here. They girls couldn't have been much older than 20 years old but they had a great knowledge of this place. I was ready to see the world and all it's beauty.

Down For The Ride (Jonathan Toews)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora