When her cold crush suddenly got jelious when she cheered someone else

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Umji: Sowon Unnie, what time is Jungkook's basketball played?

Sowon: Well ive heard that it will start at 1:00 pm..

Umji: Oh..i should buy some water for him later...

Sowon: Why you always waste your money for hi-- UMJI!

Umji who didnt waste time for listening to his older sister's words as she pull her to the cafeteria to buy her crush some water. Sowon who was just rolling her eyes, let her lil sis buy for her dear crush. While Umji was buying some water, she then froze in her spot when she see her crush went in to the cafeteria with his 6 other hyungs, looking so hot as always. Sowon who also start to squel silently when he see her also crush, Taehyung.

Umji who quickly pay the water as she dont want Jungkook to see her. Umji who then pull her Unnie out of there, not letting Sowon to speak first. Jungkook who notice the two girls run out of the cafeteria making him smile a little.

Umji and Sowon was just walking when Sowon suddenly said,

Sowon: Umji ah, can you wait for me here? I need to wee wee first, is that okay with you?

Umji: Ofc unnie, go mind your business to the CR, im just gonna wait here.

Sowon who smiled at her before rushing to the Girls CR. Umji who was leaning against the walls, tapping her feet on the ground, waiting for her when she suddenly startled when she see the one of the coolest school too, Kim Yugyeom.
Her eyes widened as she sit straight, not making herself look like a weirdo.

Yugyeom: Oh hi Umji, ive been looking for you!!

Umji:*raised brow* u-uhh..me? Umm why are you looking for me Yugyeom sumbaenim..

Yugyeom: U-ummm..i actually want a favor from you....i-if you dont mind*smile*

Umji who was confused at his words and his behavior but she just nod. Yugyeom who sigh heavily before speaking.

Yugyeom: C-can you...uhhh.. Cheer for me later at the court??

Umji who was stunned at his sudden words. Cheer him later??? She is supposed to cheer on Jungkook like a total maniac but shes curious why she need to cheer him.

Umji: Now trying to sound rude but.... W-why do i have to cheer on you...s-sumbaenim...?

Yugyeon who chuckle at the confused baby Umji as he told her why.

Yugyeom: Cause it makes me relieve when someone cheer on me...

Umji: O-ohh..*not expecting that*

Yugyeom: So... Would you cheer for me??

Umji was about to answer when the bell rangs, it means that the game begin. Yugyeom who quickly waved at Umji and said something before dashing out.

Yugyeom: See you there Umji ah!!!

Umji who was speechless, she dont know who to cheer. Jungkook or Yugyeom? She dont know who to pick. Sowon who came to her, interruping her mind.

Sowon: Im done, lets go now, were gonna be late..

Umji who nod as the girls dashed to the court. The girls already see that the game was about to start as the two look around, finding a chair for then to sit.

Sowon: Are you excited??

Umji who nod, not really sure. Just then Jungkook and his team and Yugyeom and his team went to the court as Umji who dont know who to cheer. She wants to cheer Jungkook but she dont want also to make Yugyeom sad. She sigh as she finally decide. She stand up and scream.

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