Chapter 7: Ani Beast

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Koda was standing outside of UA high school, passing out flyers. Izuku and Heimao are leaving the school to head home when they spot him. Izuku waves, "Hey Koda. What's that you're passing out?" Koda, who was too shy to speak, simply gave them each a flyer. The two boys took them and looked them over. Heimao said, "Oh, an animal adoption fair at your parent's animal shelter this weekend. Sounds nice." Koda nodded. Izuku said, "It must be nice to be able to spend your days helping out little and adorable animals." Heimao chuckled, "Well, I don't know if I would even be allowed to have a pet, but I'll be there." Izuku nodded, "Same. I want to see all the animals for myself. See you there Koda." The two of them waved good-bye as Koda returned to passing out the flyers. Bakugo overheard the entire conversation and stomped out of the school in anger. He disliked pets since they usually ended up leaving a mess and being a pain to take care of. He was extremely hostile towards Koda and his animals since he was friends with Izuku. That was when Bakugo got an idea. He opened his cell and called his manager. 

The weekend finally came and the adoption fair was underway. Izuku and Heimao arrived early to help set everything up. Izuku was playing with a little puppy as Heimao and Koda were setting up the table to help people adopt the animals. However, as the day went on, very few people came. Heimao wondered, "Where are all the people? Koda passed out so many flyers." Izuku said, "Maybe they got the wrong date?" Heimao received an alert on his phone. He gasped and then growled, "That bastard." He showed a news article that had been posted. It stated the Bakugo, Kaminari, and Kirishima were having a fashion show with some other models for today, along with a meet and greet after the show and it was all free. Izuku was surprised, "Why is Kacchan doing a meet and greet? He doesn't like talking to people. And a last minute fashion show for free. It doesn't sound like something that he would do at all." Hei said, "I bet that blond bastard had it arranged just so people would go to his show instead of the animal adoption fair." Izuku clenched his fist, "That is something he would do." The two turn to Koda who is deeply saddened by the news. Koda runs into the animal shelter. Izuku is about to run after him, but Heimao stops him, "Let him be. He'll calm done after a little bit. We need to stay here to watch the animals and help any adopters that might come our way." Izuku thinks for a moment before agreeing with Heimao's logic. The two sit down. Meanwhile, Koda is in the animal shelter, crying at the fact that the adoption fair failed because Bakugo was being a jerk. Dakubatafurai sensed his sadness, "It isn't fair. Some much work was put into helping little animals only to have it ruined by a brat that wanted to have everyone's attention. Well, I can make sure to have justice come through." He had a butterfly land on his hand and filled it with negative energy before releasing it, "Fly away my little Akuma and evilize this poor soul." The Akuma flew to the back of the shelter and entered an animal bracelet that Koda was wearing. Dakubatafurai spoke to him telepathically, "Ani Beast, I am Dakubatafurai. I can give you the power to control animals and reek vengeance on the one who ruined the pet adoption fair, but, you must do something for me when the time comes. I want the miraculous." Koda nodded in response. After that, he was covered in negative energy and transformed into a rock like being with a vest with animal claw patterns and fur trims. He had a necklace made of animal fangs around his neck and mask that covered his mouth that had a fang pattern to them. Ani Beast used the power of his mask to take control of all the animals in the area. Ani Beast broke down the shelter doors and ordered all the animals in the area to come to him. Heimao and Izuku were shocked to see the new villain. Izuku saw the bracelet on the villain's wrist and gasped, "Koda, is that you?" Ani Beast simply growled at him and ordered the animals to go to the fashion show and attack Bakugo. Izuku and Hei watched in shock as the animals followed Ani Beast. The mask he wore only translated his orders to animals, so they had no idea what he had told the animals to do. Heimao said, "Izuku, try to see if you can find out where they're going. I'll stay here and try to see if any animals were hurt." Izuku nodded in agreement and ran to follow the animals. Once he was far away, Tikki came out of her hiding place. Tikki said, "I can take a good guess where they're going." Izuku said, "Me too. We have to hurry. Kacchan and the others are in danger. Tikki, spots on!" With that, Tikki was absorbed into the earrings, transforming Izuku into Bugaboi. Back at the shelter, Heimao was looking to see if any animals had been hurt in the commotion and was happy to see that there were none. Plagg groaned as looked through the cat food, Why is there no cheese?" Heimao said, "Because normal cats don't eat cheese. Now we have to hurry. Plagg, claws out!" Plagg was absorbed into the ring and transformed Heimao into Kuro Cat. 

At the fashion show, Bakugo was walking down the runway while modeling a new suit when Ani Beast arrived with the animals, scaring away the crowd. Ani Beast ordered the larger dogs to prepare to attack Bakugo, who had fallen and was growling back at the villain. Before the dogs could attack, Bugaboi managed to grab Bakugo with his yoyo. Bugaboi said, "Happy to now that I got here in the nick of time." Bakugo yelled, "I didn't need your help." Bugaboi groaned in exhaustion as he spotted Kuro Cat using his stick to slightly hit the animals on the head to capture their attention while the crowd escaped. Bugaboi joined him and used his yoyo to round up and tie up the animals. They took the animals and locked them in an empty mobile home that had been used as a dressing room. With the animals out of the way, the two heroes turned to Ani Beast, who had gone after Bakugo again. Bugaboi managed to trip him with his yoyo, but Ani Beast used his enhanced strength to pull the string and twirled Bugaboi around. Kuro Cat extended his staff to hit Ani Beast, causing him to release the string. Bugaboi fell onto the ground. He groaned and said, "Well that could have gone better." Kuro nodded, "Well, any idea where his Akuma is?" Bugaboi said, "I think it might be in that animal bracelet he has on his wrist. It's black and seems to be precious to him." Kuro said, "Alright, then we gotta think of a strategy to get it." Bugaboi nodded and threw up his yoyo, "Lucky Charm!!" The yoyo was surrounded by magical butterflies that created a...flashlight. The two heroes were very confused about how to use it to defeat the villain. Bug looked around and saw some mirrors that were used for the dressers to see how the models looked. He grabbed them and began placing them at angles. Kuro understood and began distracting Ani Beast. Bugaboi used a large black tarp to cover the area where the mirrors were. Ani Beast was prepared to attack again when Bugaboi turned on the flashlight. The beam of light was reflected on the mirrors. The reflected light got into Ani Beast's eyes and blinded him. Bugaboi took that chance to grab the bracelet and broke it. The Akuma was released. Bugaboi opened his yoyo and threw it at the Akuma, "No more evil-doing for you little Akuma. Time to de-evilize." Once he captured the Akuma, he released it when it was purified, "Bye bye little butterfly." Bugaboi grabbed the flashlight and threw it into the sky, "Miraculous Ladybug!" The flashlight was turned back into magical ladybugs that began repairing the damage that was done. Ani Beast transformed back into Koda. The two heroes left and transformed into their normal self. The following week, the adoption fair was held again with great success. Izuku and Heimao were helping again. Heimao was holding a little black kitten. Izuku asked, "Are you planning to adopt that one?" Heimao nodded, "Yep. I have a strange attachment to this little black cat." The two of them laughed as Koda came to them with the adoption papers.

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