Chapter 6: Piggy Bank

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Uraraka was walking out of the grocery store. She had just finished purchasing the groceries that her family would need to survive for the week. As she was walking, Izuku saw her and waved, "Uraraka!" Uraraka turned to her classmate, "Midoriya. Hi. What are you doing here?" Izuku held out his wallet, "My parents just paid me my cut for working at our bakery. I was just going to buy something to eat with the money. What about you? Did you go grocery shopping?" Uraraka nodded sadly, "Yeah. My family's been having some trouble financially, so while they work, I go get the groceries at bargain prices." Izuku frowned, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know." Uraraka smiled, "Thanks Midoriya, but it's fine. I got a part time job delivering papers. It won't be much, but at least we'll have a little bit more money." Izuku smiled, "That's great. Well, I shouldn't keep you. Good luck." Uraraka waved good bye to him, "Thanks."

The next day, Izuku and Heimao were walking together to school. Izuku asked, "Hey, Heimao? Have you ever had financial hardships?" Heimao was taken aback by the question, "Why are you asking me that?" Izuku blushed in embarrassment, "It's not like I think you do. It's just that I ran into Uraraka the other day and she told me that her family was struggling financially, so she got a part time job." Heimao hummed, "I see. Well, I don't have any trouble financially. My grandpa saved a lot of money and we also get money from his pension." Izuku asked, "What about your parents?" Heimao stiffened and did not respond even as they entered the classroom. A few minutes after they arrived, Uraraka came in looking depressed. Momo asked, "What happened Uraraka? You're usually so cheerful in the morning. Is something bothering you? Is it that time of the month?" Uraraka shook her head, "No. It's not that. The school had me quit my part time job because my parents told them that they wanted me to focus on my studies. Can't they see that I'm just trying to help them out!" Jiro was confused, "I get about wanting to focus on studying, but no one says anything about Midoriya working at the bakery." Momo said, "That's different. He lives there, so there is no way to avoid the bakery. Besides, he can make the time to study because his parents can allow it." Uraraka groaned as she fell into her seat. After school, Uraraka began walking home, but stopped to take out her wallet and saw that it was completely empty. At that moment, Dakubatafurai sensed her sadness, "Ah, a little girl who just wants to help her family get by. Such sweet prey for my little Akumas.  (He grabbed a butterfly and infused it with negative energy before releasing it). Fly away my little Akuma and evilize this poor girl." The Akuma flew and entered Uraraka's wallet. Dakubatafurai spoke to her telepathically, "Piggy Bank, I am Dakubatafurai. I am giving you the power to gather all the money that you and your family could ever want. Of course, you won't be getting it for nothing. In return for giving you this power, you must bring the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous!!" Uraraka smirked evilly, "I accept your job offer Dakubatafurai." She was consumed by negative energy and became a pink piggy bank. Her wallet entered the coin slot on her back. Piggy Bank started running around and revealed her wallet to the people. When she did, a vacuum wave sucked in all of their money. Piggy Bank laughed evilly, "I want more. More money! More!!" She continued to run around and sucked in the people's money. Izuku and Heimao were walking to the store to buy something to eat when they heard people screaming. They felt a breeze and suddenly, their money was sucked from their wallets. The two of them turned to see Piggy Bank sucking in the money. Izuku grew worried, "Is that...Uraraka?!" Heimao said, "I knew she liked money, but not so much that she sucked it in. We need to run." The two of them ran off in different directions. Izuku hid in an alley, "Alright. Time to send this piggy all the way home. Tikki, Spots On!" Tikki entered Izuku's earrings and transformed him into Bugaboi. On the other side of the street, Heimao pulled out Plagg from the pocket that he was sleeping in. Plagg groaned, "Please tell me that you at least bought me cheese." Heimao shook his head, "No time for cheese. Plagg, Claws Out!" Plagg entered Heimao's ring and transformed him into Kuro Cat. The two heroes jumped in front of Piggy Bank. Bugaboi was surprised to see his partner, "You got here quickly." Heimao responded, "I had my money stolen. Of course I got here quickly. Now let's take her down and get my money back." The two heroes charged at Piggy Bank. She saw them and started sucking them in, "Good. Now I can get your miraculous and sell them to Dakubatafurai to keep my powers. Give them to me." Kuro Cat extended his staff so that it got stuck between the streets and stopped the both of them from being sucked in. Bugaboi asked, "Do you have any idea how to stop her?" Heimao said, "It looks like her Akuma is stuck in that wallet that is covering her coin slot. We need to stop her from sucking everything in and destroy the wallet." The two of them rushed at Piggy Bank. Bugaboi wrapped his yoyo around her while Kuro Cat jumped on top of her. Just as he was about to use his Cataclysm, Piggy Bank began sucking him up in an attempt to suck up the miraculous. Kuro Cat's hand was nearly sucked into the slot, but Bugaboi released Piggy Bank and used his yoyo to grab Kuro Cat and bring him to safety. Kuro groaned, "Ouch, she nearly took my hand off. We need a way to plug in that slot of hers before we can destroy the wallet." Bugaboi thought for a moment, "Then it's time to use my... Lucky Charm!!!!" He threw his yoyo up and it was surrounded by the magical ladybugs that produced, a bag of Monopoly money. The two heroes were confused. Kuro asked, "So does your Lucky Charm want us to play Monopoly with her. No offense, but that game really irritates me. It takes too long to win." Bugaboi looked around and saw that Piggy Bank's suction was slowing down. He got an idea and tied the fake money bag closed. He turned to Kuro, "I have an idea. Get ready to attack from behind. I'll use this fake money to get her attention. She's slowing down, so I think that she's almost full and ready to burst." Kuro understood his plan, "I see. You want to finish filling her up with the fake money so she can't suck me in anymore. That way, I can destroy her wallet before she can take my miraculous. Got it!" Kuro jumped on the buildings and snuck behind Piggy Bank. Bugaboi called out, "Yoo-hoo, Piggy Bank!!" Piggy Bank turned to Bugaboi and gasped in excitement when she saw that he had a large money bag. Bugaboi smiled, "Look what I got. A bag full of money! Come and take it if you can." Piggy Bank was so excited to get more money that she didn't pay attention to how full she was. She began sucking it in. Bugaboi opened the bag and the fake money entered Piggy Bank. A few minutes passed before she sucked all the money in, but she then groaned and collapsed on the ground. Piggy Bank was full and was moaning in pain. Kuro took this as his chance. He leapt onto the villain and called out, "Cataclysm!" His ring was charged with destructive energy and he used it to destroy the wallet. The Akuma was released. Bugaboi opened his yoyo and threw it at the Akuma to capture it, "No more evil-doing for you little Akuma. Time to de-evilize. (Once the Akuma was captured, he released the purified butterfly.) Bye-bye little butterfly." He went to grab the bag that once held the fake money and threw it in the air, "Miraculous Ladybug!" The magic ladybugs scattered and repaired the damage done by Piggy Bank and returned the money to their rightful owners. Piggy Bank was turned back into Uraraka, who was confused as to where she was. Kuro Cat walked to Bugaboi, "Good job. Oh, you're earrings." Bugaboi was startled when he heard that his earrings were beeping, marking the time that he had left before he transformed back. The two heroes went their separate ways. Meanwhile, back at Dakubatafurai's  hideout, the villains were angered by their recent loss. Dabi groaned, "Seriously, why are we still using these losers to steal the Miraculous? We could do a good job." Compress said, "Well, we don't have powers. Plus, if we were defeated, the heroes could find out where our hideout is and take back the Miraculous." Toga said, "Well, I just hope that we can see a really bloody battle next time." Shigaraki had transformed back and was pounding his fist into the table, "Damn you heroes. I'll win next time. I'll show you just how fragile that justice of yours really is. Hahahaha!!!" Dabi pointed to him, "Isn't that what he said last time?" 

The next day, Uraraka skipped into the classroom. Iida said, "Do not skip into the classroom!!" Izuku said, "As class president, I decree that it is fine to skip into the classroom." Iida groaned as he sat back down, "Curses. Overruled by a higher power." Asui asked, "Why are you in such a good mood today Ochaco?" Uraraka said, "My parent's construction company was just hired to help reinforce the city's buildings. With all these villain attacks, the city's higher ups want to avoid as much damage as possible, even if it ends up being repaired." The girls gathered around her and squealed in excitement. 

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