Chapter 2

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Students swarmed the enormous castle all rushing to the Great Hall. Hogwarts was more magnificent than I had remembered. The place appeared to be a little more bright and cheerful. I walked the large, expansive corridors of the castle along with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. We pushed past the many groups of students until we approached the entrance to the Great Hall. I thought to myself I am so glad I am not a muggle. If I were a muggle, I couldn't come to school here.

I can't even explain how marvelous the Great Hall was at that very moment. Each of the four, extensive tables had a certain colored table cloth laying perfectly across the wooden surface to represent the color of its house. Candles floated in mid-air, lighting up the entire room. The ceiling looked as if there was no ceiling because they use some kind of spell to make it appear invisible to the eyes. I looked up and saw the glistening stars shine into the dark sky.

Well once Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I reached the entrance, we waved goodbye to each other and went off to our tables. The three of them scurried over to the Gryffindor table while I went to go find a seat at the Slytherin table. It is hard being in a different house apart from your friends because you and your friends don't get as much time together.

I decided I would go and find a seat near Draco. It didn't take me long to navigate Draco, for I can navigate him easily just by the top of his head. His platinum blonde hair stood out from everyone else. I walked around to the opposite side of the table from where Draco was sitting and took a seat across from him. There were already several kids my age that gathered around Draco and some of them I didn't even know their names. I do remember seeing Crabbe and Goyle, however. Crabbe and Goyle are like Draco's bodyguards and I barley even see him without them standing behind him. I always found it quite strange and I still don't understand it. Anyways, Pansy sat next to me but Blaise went to go sit with his other friends. Pansy and I were laughing about something when Dumbledore walks up to his podium and calls for everyone's attention. The entire room grew absolutely silent and everyone turned to look at Dumbledore. He introduced and welcomed everyone to Hogwarts. He gave us a dreadful and boring speech that we could all care less about. I mean I love Dumbledore and all but all I really wanted to do was eat. All of the first years were sorted into their houses. Every time someone was sorted into Slytherin, the Slytherin table would jump up and roar in excitement. Same with every other house. After every single first year was sorted, Dumbledore finally announced that the feast would begin! The food suddenly appeared all over the table and all over my plate. I might have eaten a little bit of everything. The food at Hogwarts is far more than delicious. It is absolutely pleasant and delightful to the taste. And no, I'm not over exaggerating, I'm only being completely honest.

As I was taking a sip of water from my glass, Draco snapped his fingers to get everyone's attention around him. I knew he was up to no good.

" Hey guys watch this!"

He turned around to face the Gryffindor table. Harry was not too far from Draco.

" Potter! Potter!" exclaims Draco," Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted!"

As Draco said that, the boy next to him made a dramatic yet horrible impression of someone fainting.

" Shove off, Malfoy," said Ron as he turned Harry back to the Gryffindor table.

Everyone around Draco started laughing... except for me. Instead, a bit of curiosity worried my mind. Fainted? What could Draco possibly mean?

" Draco." I said trying to get his attention.

The people around me immediately stopped laughing and it all of the sudden became quiet. I felt greatly embarrassed.

" Yes?" Draco asked, his face unbothered.

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