Chapter 16 - The Boppin' Start Up

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As summer was coming to an end, the students of Haneoka and Hanasakigawa we in the amidst of a grand festival.

Hina POV

The Annual Culture Festival is next week and the whole school is busy prepping for the festival. I wonder, maybe I should propose a joint culture festival with Hanasakigawa, I think Rinko can make  it happen, besides our last culture festival should be a blast!

"I should find Y/N, to see what he thinks" Hina said to herself.

Third Person POV

As class 3-A was discussing what their class should do for the festival, a few ideas were suggested.

Student 1: How about a Haunted House?

Student 2: No class 1-B is already doing that.

Student 3: What about Haneoka's History?.

Lisa: I dunno, maybe that might be too normal.

Student 4: How about a Cat Cafe?

Yukina: Yes, I agree with that plan.

Y/N: Hold on now, we can't bring cats inside the school if I remember correctly.

Lisa: Let's just dress up as cats, it will still be a cat cafe basically.

Student 5: Yes that could work.

Y/N: No! there's no way I'm doing that.

Yukina: I'm with Y/N, I'm not interested in that type of cafe.

Y/N: Oh yeah, I just remembered! I'm in the student council, I have to do patrol.

Student 1: Well I guess were doing the "cat" cafe minus L/N-San.

Just then Hina knocked on the classroom door, and asked to speak with Y/N urgently. Hina stated that we need to go to Hanasakigawa quickly.


We began to walking towards Hanasakigawa. I asked Hina what's the urgency, but Hina didn't give me full details about her "plan". Suddenly I remembered aunties words in my head

"reigning in Hina is part of your job, if she runs off you'll have to be there with her, I know it may sound tiresome but you know how she could be".

Well, might as well keep her in check while she executes her master "plan". As we arrive, Hina was already starting a scene in the front courtyard.

"Monitor coming through! Whats all this about?" Sayo said while making her way through the crowd with Rinko.

"Ah Sis! Rinko!" Hina said excitedly.

"Hikawa? Y/N?" Rinko said surprised.

"Both of you, I have a plan!" Hina said putting her fist in the air.

"Y-yeah what she said" I responded nervously.

After a long discussion about Hina's joint festival idea, Sayo and Arisa seemed against the idea at first, however do to Rinko's sudden agreement with the plan we got the "go ahead" for the joint festival.

Music from the Heart (Bang Dream X Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ