Chapter 2 - Pop Team and Enrolment

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Early Morning Y/N POV

I was walking down the street, when I remembered the list Marina gave me, with a note attached to the bottom. It reads:

please gather all these bands on your list within two weeks that should be enough time before the scheduled live event happens, please complete this task with pace, good luck

-Marina ;)

I face palmed as I thought to myself on how should I approach this list. I can get Roselia on board easily, but I don't know the first place to find any of these.

As I arrived at Circle it was 10:00am, right on time as Marina saw me walk through the door, "morning Y/N ready to work hard today" she said with determination, I looked at her and nodded in agreement still distracted my my other task. Just then a brown haired girl with cat ears? came suddenly through the door like a FBI Raiding Team.

"Marina-san!! We're here to practice!" She said shouting, "hey don't shout so loud you idiot" the brown twin tailed girl reprimanded, "Oh Poppin'Party is here" Marina said happily. The five girls turned their attention to me and I said "hello i'm Y/N L/N hope I can be of help to you girls", they all looked at me happily and introduced themselves

"Hello I'm Kasumi Toyama, it's nice to meet you I hope we can become best friends" she said happily smiling.

"Hi there my name is Saaya Yamabuki, I hope we get along well" the brown haired with a hair tie said shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you my name is Rimi Ushigome, I like Chocolate Cornets" short black haired girl said quietly.

"Arisa Ichigaya, what type perverted boy works at Live house for girls" the twin tailed girl sharply said.

"I'm Tae Hanazono, I have 20 rabbits at home" the long haired girl said plainly.

"Interesting bunch huh" Marina said nudging my shoulder, "well I'm guessing your here to practice" I said trying to be professionalisms possible "mmhm that's why we're here" Kasumi said, "Ok then Studio 2" is directed, as Poppin'Party went to help at the cafe.

Few Hours later 

After serving some maintenance on the speakers in the live area, and helped the cafe with prep work I finally finished everything on my list for today.

Marina told me that she already got Poppin'Party to join the live event, so that's 1/7 that's good, suddenly I received a text message on my phone.

Y/N Phone

Aunt Ryoko: Hello Y/N do you perhaps have a choice on which school to attend?

Y/N: No haven't so far unfortunately

Aunt Ryoko: How about coming to Haneoka Academy later, I'm the headmaster so I can get you in no problem

Y/N: Sure that would be awesome thanks so much Aunt Ryoko

Aunt Ryoko: No problem, come by at around 4:00pm don't be late

As I put down my phone I remember Aunt Ryoko, she's my mom's twin sister, and she's loaded what I've heard from mom is that she runs the two academy that are close proximity to each other but she forgot the names, she was always a caring relative she's always been there when my parents are around, she's a one of a kind person.

At Haneoka Academy

I walked an asked the secretary where the headmasters office is located, after making my way to the second floor, I greeted my aunt opening the door.

"Y/N is been so long you've grow into a fine young man" she said happily.

"Yeah it's been so long" I said while holding the back of my neck.

After some explaining about my attendance here, she registered me into the database, after giving me a grey blazer, brown tie, and slim black dress pants. She told me that's custom made, which I found weird because usually Japanese school uniform aren't suppose to be custom, but I shrugged it off.

Aunt Ryoko then proceeded to tell me that me being at Haneoka is a experiment she wanted to try for a while but she refused to give me the details, and that it's a surprise, also I have to join the student council as their Vice President as they don't have one.

"I'm not a lab rat auntie" I said shaking my head in concern.

She told me that I'll be worth my while with a smirk, and she'll give me a voucher for the cafeteria. So I guess free food everyday, and a free position in the Student Council isn't a bad trade off for a secret experiment.

I headed home to rest for my first day tomorrow, I can't help but feel anxious, about Aunt Ryoko's eagerness to preform a school experiment that heavily involves me, I guess I'll sleep on it, I thought to myself. As a reheat a Cobini(Japanese word for convenience store) bento box, I look at the list of bands and decided to ask Afterglow to join, I went to bed 30 minutes later to get some rest for tomorrow. Little did he know about what's in store for him tomorrow at school. 

Authors Notes:
Aight change of plan, was going to do a Roselia route, but I wanted to involve all bands because I some concepts I wanted to write about, and maybe involve some stores from Girl Band Pico.

Thanks for supporting my content, it makes my day, hope you'll understand my sudden impulsive decision :)

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