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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

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It's my turn to play!!"

"Well mom and dad are not here so I'm boss sense I'm older"

"You'r only older a year" I pout

"Come here" he pats on his lap
I ran over and sat on his lap but then he grabbed my thigh


"Are you ok with this"

"I don't know eren your my brother"

"I'm your step brother"

"Fine" he rubs my thigh then I feel something Poke my butt 0-0 I reach down to grab whatever it is until I feel it my step brother is hard


"S-sorry!" I jump up from his lap

"It's fine.."

"You want me to help" I blush

"Are you sure you don't need to"

He stands up and walks towards me he then picked me up caring me to his bed room and locked it

"Clothes off.... now"


I took off my shirt and pants until I'm in my underwear and bra

"Fuck I thought I would never say this to my step sister but you're hot as fuck"

He sits on his bed and pats for me to sit on his lap again then he kissed me


He grabbed my ass and licked my lip for access I opened my mouth our tounges fought he of course won he started to kiss my neck sucking on my soft spot

"Eren a-are you sure"

"Yes I'm sure"

He flipped me on my back he crawled between my legs pulling my underwear off he slowly lowered his head he looked up at me and licked my core


He flicked his tongue up and down I felt his tongue piercing on my clit I grabbed his long hair he growled in my clit he nibbled and sucked

"Eren enough I'm going to cum!"

I tried pushing his head but he wouldn't budge

"Stop moving and let me finish" he grabbed my thighs holding me to his face


I squirted on his face

"Hmm I didn't know my sister was a-"

I kicked his face

"Dont say it like that!!!"


He got on top of me and rubbed his bulge at my entrance

He then slammed into me


"Fuck y/n"

HE slammed into me over and over


"Shhhh mom and dad might be home!"

He put his hand over my face

I heard my mom coming up the stairs

"Eren stop" i whispered at him but he didn't listen he kept thrusting in and out of me


"Y/n, eren where are you guys!"

"Shit I need to finish" Eren thrusting in me again

"Eren stop!!!!!"

"Open this door!!"

"I'm cumming!"

"Shit same!!!"


Eren plopped on me



Me and eren quickly got our clothes on trying not to look sweaty

"What are you guys doing"

"Playing video game" eren blurted out

"Hmm ok dinners done"


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Sorry I haven't posted in a hot min I've been very busy!!!
Word 504

𝘗✩𝘳𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝙓 𝙖𝙤𝙩Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ